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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i have had kors for a couple months now and i WAS in love. in the past 3 weeks both of the insides of my ankles have been really really bothering me. ive tried thicker socks, ive bought ankle braces, ive tried ace bandages, i just dont know what will help to stop it. the pain seems to be occuring about 3/4 of an inch below the top of the boot. i had jr re bake and ccm fit them for me, and he also punched out the painful spots. anyone have an idea what it could be or how i could fix it?

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nah that dosent work, thats what i originally tried. to better explain it... it seems as if the skates are brusing my ankles very badly with out any exterior signs on my legs. thanks tho furlanitalia. anyone else?

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Bake them with that little piece of foam in your sock at the point it is hhurting. That seemed to help me with mine.

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Bake them with that little piece of foam in your sock at the point it is hhurting. That seemed to help me with mine.

I use an old piece of helmet foam when I bake kors its a bit more firm and ensures that the area is fully pushed out.

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I actually have expereinced the very same thing on the outside of my ankle, right above the ankle bone with my Tours skates.

I think it's simply a matter of the saktes putting pressure on the same spot, over and over again. It's basically a bruise, but on the bone, rather than the soft tissue.

I don't know that there's a whole lot you can do, other than try to add some foam padding, as others have suggested. My guess is, its simply a matter of how the skates fit on your feet.

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thanks for the ideas guys. taking time off is just not an option for me so i may have to try the foam or something. jr said he had some ideas ive just been missing him so i havent talked to him in a while. keep the sugestions coming if there are any more.

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when i got my KORs, the same thing happened to me, so i just put a little piece of foam there when i played, and in about a week or two it went away. so i would suggest to put a something there to help and after they getting broken in well, they will feel better, thats what happened to me.

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i think some rest is needed... take a few weeks off and then try again.


If JR punched out the problem area, that should have done the trick. Often, a skate will still hurt after the comfort fix is made because blisters have not healed. Easy way to tell is skate in your old skates (assuming they fit you well and you had no pain in them). If you now have pain in them, then you know the pain is coming from the blister point, not the new skates. Heal the blisters. Likely the new skates will feel better.

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