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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The speech

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From any given sunday, the coach for our adult team plays this before the game sometimes, what do you think of it, does it get you pumped up, does it make you laugh? To tell the truth it's quite inspiring, and did have an effect on me, didn't actually get played much as it was seniors but hell i had a good warm up. So listen to it, and say what you think. (Apart from the fact its from a football film) <_<


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Heh, i might just try it before the big game today, had a terrible session last night so need to step it up big time.

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Only time I listened to it was for the championship game last year and I got the winner so it must have done something good. Although overused, I think it is good for those games where you just want to stay calm and focused while playing your game, as opposed to go out there with the idea of leveling everyone in sight.

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I have it on my Ipod

I just listened to it, and as soon as i heard it i uploaded it onto my iPod aswell, into the Pre-Game Playlist

all you have to do is change the football to hockey and your ready to go

Even with it how it says football, no need for the change, its a great motivational speech for any sport i think.

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Bump - Would like to hear this again if anyone has it as the link redirects you to some other site. Can anyone help? Please and thanks in advance, and sorry for bringing up such an old topic.

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Off topic: but the site is hilarious

I was checking out Cosmo the other day while waiting for a friend. Hmmm… “8 sexual positions you have never thought of.†I’ll challlenge that.


I did not get to read the article, but unless one of these positions had me hanging upside down from gravity boots and her with one foot in the toaster and the other way down the garbage disposal, I am reasonably certain I have at least thought of it….


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I think it's utter shit tbh. Every time that was played last year in went my ipod headphones. I'd rather get lost in the moment of some beethoven to psych me up.

I think its so lame that a coach of amens hockey team played that before EVERY game, be original!!!!!!!!!!

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