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glove question

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so i found these gloves that i think are really comfy, and seem like they are alreayd broken in. only 99$ doesnt seem bad, but thats probably because they are only vapour V i think. X's at the most.

so what exactly is the difference between the 99$ V's and the like 199$ XXX'? is it really that big of a thing?

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so i found these gloves that i think are really comfy, and seem like they are alreayd broken in. only 99$ doesnt seem bad, but thats probably because they are only vapour V i think. X's at the most.

so what exactly is the difference between the 99$ V's and the like 199$ XXX'? is it really that big of a thing?

It would be a huge difference...

You could get Missions new 06 model top end gloves for the same amount off money, 99USD.

A far better choice i.m.o. :rolleyes:

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From what i can think of the difference is in the palms (pigskin to nash), exterior (nylon to tuff tek), liner (something to dri-fit), the index finger in the XXX is 3 piece, and plastic inserts.

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its not like cause i get the 99$ ones iam not going to be able to stickhandle as good, is it? its nothing like that, right?

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So here's a question for you. I just read another thread where you said you were playing juniors in a league for 18-21 year olds, and you posted some pictures. In my mind, that's pretty good hockey. Yet, you're here asking whether buying a $99 glove is going to prevent you from stickhandling??? I think that's a better question than the one you originally posted.

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I dont understand what you mean? you think iam lying about what i play? just because iam good at hockey doesnt mean i know anything about gloves. the last time i bought gloves was in like bantam. if not then, before that. Thats why i came here in the first place. I want to buy these gloves and i want to know if there is any huge disadavantages to getting them. i dont want to spend 190$ on gloves.

maybe i dont understand what your saying. but i do play Jr, and yes, iam asking other peoples opinions on gloves. so what?

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The only downside to the lower end gloves would be in terms of protection. I would check to make sure that you won't have problems with slashes hurting your hands. Some of my favorite gloves have been mid-level models.

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personally i would go for the more high end ones simply because they will most likely be lighter and much more durable, youll end up losing money if you have to buy new gloves every season

about the previous posts why do you guys come down on ppl wo are new here seems like if you dont have 1000 posts ppl get real pissed whenever you have an opinion

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personally i would go for the more high end ones simply because they will most likely be lighter and much more durable, youll end up losing money if you have to buy new gloves every season

about the previous posts why do you guys come down on ppl wo are new here seems like if you dont have 1000 posts ppl get real pissed whenever you have an opinion

Not always. A more protective glove is often heavier than a less protective model.

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It just seems a little unusual that an 18 year old guy playing high level hockey, who has played hockey for years, knows nothing about gloves and also has some sort of idea that a cheap pair of gloves will cripple your ability to move a puck. I'm not coming down on him because he doesn't have a lot of posts, I'm questioning what he said because it's bizarre.

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I know people who are equipmently retarded, the best idea is to go to a shop and try them out, or borrow a friends and try those out. Ordering online for equipment you do not know about isn't usually recomended, but i live in the u.k so for cost reasons i have no choice

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A huge part of it is protection. I have a pair of Vapor V's that I LOVE. I get hassled every day by players with their XXX's, Eagles and High-end gloves. I get slashed a lot and there is a noticible difference between my old eagles any my V's, but not enough that I would have a shattered hand if I got slashed hard.

The main reason why I went with my V's were that I love lightweight gloves. I am not a fan of materials other than nylon either. When I tried on the V's at my lhs, the store owner even suggested that I go with the XX, but I didn't like the way the palms felt.

Overall, I am satisfied with my purchase. I always thought that you need a super-high end glove in order to be "protected" but never really put much thought into the fact that hockey companies like Bauer and CCM make all of their gloves with protection in mind.

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