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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ops's cost me so much money

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it may be true that the actual velocity of the puck might not be faster but the simple feel of a snap shot with a ops it 10x better, ill try to look around for the salming 435 is a decent weight if it is as durable as it sounds

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2 sl grips,2 rbk 7k's, a bauer xxx lite, and a stealth grip

all stick with durability issues. try the old tps response, or synergy st's.

why not a 2 piece with comp blade, they can be as light as an ops

where are you breaking the sticks?

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2 sl grips,2 rbk 7k's, a bauer xxx lite, and a stealth grip

all stick with durability issues. try the old tps response, or synergy st's.

i find that the 1st edition synergy's and some of the older ops's are more durable, yet they are heavier.

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all stick with durability issues. try the old tps response, or synergy st's.

why not a 2 piece with comp blade, they can be as light as an ops

where are you breaking the sticks?

First Gen Repsonses weren't very durable at all.

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all stick with durability issues. try the old tps response, or synergy st's.

why not a 2 piece with comp blade, they can be as light as an ops

where are you breaking the sticks?

First Gen Repsonses weren't very durable at all.

I never had a problem with the shafts but the blades on the old responses didn't hold up for long.

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ill try to look around for the salming 435 is a decent weight if it is as durable as it sounds

The Precision is an 0607 model, so you won't find it in stores until late summer. I also don't know how durable it will be. It's predecessor, the G1, was quite durable, but Sweden took out 60 gms by using a different mix of graphite.

My guess is it will be durable for a 435 gm stick, but not as durable as the G1 had been. Most likely, there will be some tradeoff for performance.

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all stick with durability issues. try the old tps response, or synergy st's.

why not a 2 piece with comp blade, they can be as light as an ops

where are you breaking the sticks?

First Gen Repsonses weren't very durable at all.

I never had a problem with the shafts but the blades on the old responses didn't hold up for long.

That's where my issues were as well. I went through 2 or 3, and none lasted more than a week. It's nice that they can be made into shafts afterwards, but this poster doesn't seem to interested in a shaft.

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It seems if you need your stick to be the lightest possible,you need to start hitting the gym more.I use OPS in the 460-500 G range and my shot is harder with those than a Stealth or SL. The SL and Stealth are horrible sticks compared to the XN10 or Response Plus.I say try a Response Plus .

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It seems if you need your stick to be the lightest possible,you need to start hitting the gym more.I use OPS in the 460-500 G range and my shot is harder with those than a Stealth or SL. The SL and Stealth are horrible sticks compared to the XN10 or Response Plus.I say try a Response Plus .

Actually, I think improving our skating is the best thing any of us can do to improve our shots. I had sixty pounds and a lot of strength on a kid on our team, but his shot was WAY harder than mine, because he had much more balance on his skates than I did.

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I had sixty pounds and a lot of strength on a kid on our team, but his shot was WAY harder than mine, because he had much more balance on his skates than I did.

Very few people realize balance is a big part of your game. A custom profile/radius can improve your entire game not just skating. If your gliding surface is located mid skate or worse to the rear, you will not have the same balance as if tit is under the ball of your foot. Do this test. Stand flat footed, or on your heels. Then have a buddy push your shoulder. You will tip over so easy. Next, stand on the balls of your feet and do the same push drill. Can't budge you. A good pitch and radius can move your shoulders forward, over the puck...your shot and passing will improve, in addition to your overall balance.

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I think even the V-130 is pretty durable...which is a light stick..

or try something(by the way i see it, you seem pretty rich to be able to afford 7 stick loll)

Try a shaft like a M-2 or something standard,a griplite or a V-110(If you can use non-grip stick i think it your best choice) and use a super light like a Z-Carbon or a Inno which IMO have both great feel and feel so light that you will think you have a ligther Stick combo...

The tapered wall i think doesnt really worth a lot so don't really bother tapered shaft if you cant find one you like...

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I think even the V-130 is pretty durable...which is a light stick..

or try something(by the way i see it, you seem pretty rich to be able to afford 7 stick loll)

Try a shaft like a M-2 or something standard,a griplite or a V-110(If you can use non-grip stick i think it your best choice) and use a super light like a Z-Carbon or a Inno which IMO have both great feel and feel so light that you will think you have a ligther Stick combo...

The tapered wall i think doesnt really worth a lot so don't really bother tapered shaft if you cant find one you like...

The V130 snap like twigs from what I have seen.

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I think even the V-130 is pretty durable...which is a light stick..

or try something(by the way i see it, you seem pretty rich to be able to afford 7 stick loll)

Try a shaft like a M-2 or something standard,a griplite or a V-110(If you can use non-grip stick i think it your best choice) and use a super light like a Z-Carbon or a Inno which IMO have both great feel and feel so light that you will think you have a ligther Stick combo...

The tapered wall i think doesnt really worth a lot so don't really bother tapered shaft if you cant find one you like...

The V130 snap like twigs from what I have seen.

my bad i thought they were good...excepting the first batch...

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