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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm looking to pick up a pair of gloves, probably mid range or a high end glove from last year. ive been looking into the mission He series, and I was wondering what the differences were between this year's He7500 and last years He750. Also how to missions fit compared to the bauer vapor series. any other suggestions for a glove under the $100 price range would be great, thanks

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I reccomend the Mission M-1. It can be found on closeout at a very reasonable price. The M-1 is more of a classic fitting glove and fits loosely compared to Vapors. I have been wearing a pair of M-1 gloves for 2 years now and they are still in pretty good shape. The palms have held up really well and show no signs of holes or tearing. I really like the cuff on these gloves. It is slightly flared to allow mobility but it does compromise protection. These gloves are light and very flexible also.

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I'm looking to pick up a pair of gloves, probably mid range or a high end glove from last year.  ive been looking into the mission He series, and I was wondering what the differences were between this year's He7500 and last years He750.  Also how to missions fit compared to the bauer vapor series.  any other suggestions for a glove under the $100 price range would be great, thanks

Last years Mission HE 750 gloves goes for like $49...


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thanks for the input. i went to my local lhs to try on some gloves and pick up a blade today, and i found a pair of vapor xv's that fit well. coming from the smu velocity glove, transition should easy. staying loyal to my lhs really helped me out, as they gave me a great deal on these.

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I wont talk about MIA glove i swear i wont :P

They're not even close to his price range. That would be like suggesting a pair of X70s to a guy looking to spend $100. Hell dealers pay more than $100 for them.

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I wont talk about MIA glove i swear i wont :P

They're not even close to his price range. That would be like suggesting a pair of X70s to a guy looking to spend $100. Hell dealers pay more than $100 for them.

Reading > me :(

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