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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What type of skates/sticks does Jagr use?

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He used to use a KOHO, I remember him saying he was afraid to keep using them because he didn't want to break what ones he had left.

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I think he was one of the few that also used to wear DR gloves, I think.

Someone on Ottawa is using them last time I paid attention.

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He used to use the DR Centurion gloves back when he first came into the league.

He was using newer ones in Washington 1400 series I believe. Or whatever the Canadian made model number is.

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I think he was using the koho corebeam with just updated graphics painted on{abs cap & hyper k}.I remember I heard somewhere that he had been using the same type of shaft since 1997.He was getting nervous because he was running out of this "type" of shaft,and wasn't sure what he was going to use when his stockpile ran out.I guess he like his ccm 130 ops though

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hes using some sort of koho gloves now, i think the pinky and ring fingers are like sewn together and extra padding, because i think when he played in the world cup he had a broken finger... i think i remeber jd and sam talking about that.

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