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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playoff games

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If Alexander wasn't concussed, I'd have more faith. Depends on what Carolina D shows up though. The one that can shut teams down or the one that let Chicago score that many points on them.

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I dont follow football to much but judging by last game, if Steve Smith plays as good as he did last game Carolina has a good chance of winning.

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Pittsburgh vs Denver = Pittsburgh

Seattle vs Carolina = Carolina

Superbowl Champs = Pittsburgh

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Pittsburgh vs Denver = Pittsburgh

Seattle vs Carolina = Carolina

Superbowl Champs = Pittsburgh

That would likely be the least entertaining game in the history of the superbowl

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Well from what I heard mack, he Is supposed to be back. Which I hope, without him they dont have much hope. You cant exactly put the game on Jacksons shoulders.

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Pittsburgh vs Denver = Pittsburgh

Seattle vs Carolina = Carolina

Superbowl Champs = Pittsburgh

That would likely be the least entertaining game in the history of the superbowl


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