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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best time to buy a stick?

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I kno there are a couple of hockey shop employess here, Im wondering when is the best time to get hockey equipment I am not talking about the 2004 models cuz they will be fresh and expensive but maybe the 2002-2003 models when will these prices drop?

For example iam looking for an Easton Cyclone and since the new 04 cyclone is blue and suppose to be better when can i expect the old cyclone (the one with the colour shift) to be cheaper?

Is their a season where it is cheap? My guess are praoblly that sitcks are most expensive during sept-oct cuz ice hockey starts up i was thinking that maybe some time in june/july the prices will drop considering no one buys hockey gear during the summer.

Can i get a confirmation on this, possibly JR could fill this question


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It depends on a few factors.

I'll take my store for example. We're not a true mom and pop store - well our pop owns the Orlando Magic...LOL

We book early and we pay net 30, so we get our stuff pretty quickly.

We count on blowing out the previous year's stock before the new stock comes in. Our best prices for older stock is around Dec-March.

We will discount stuff that doesn't sell well for us just to get it out of the store, another thing that a lot of shops do not do. For instance, our Classic Gold skate (1 pr left) is around $220 or so...I went to a store in York PA who was still trying to get full MSRP for it.

We also are the only game in town but we do not gouge prices because of that fact - we look up the major online stores and see where they're putting their closeouts at and then go from there.

So - in a nutshell - it has to do with the store you are purchasing from. We just happen to have the opportunity to do this, however, most don't, so don't hate on them for that.

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In my store, sometimes, old stuff will still go for the same price but occasionally we have really good deals on stuff like buy one get one second half off in which I try and find two customers that want, say one stick, but still want the discount. But it honestly depends on where you are shopping. Usually Ma and Pa stores, you can haggle them down or work some deals with them (in my old job, if you ask, they might be able to work some magic) but in larger corporate owned stores (the one I work in now) they are usually less inclined to move on prices because sometimes the computer systems are set up to redflag any price drops on regular priced items. Regardless, check around different places. I haven't tried out the new cyclone, but I use the colorshift one now and I can't really see much of a difference other than paint. Bunch of easton bull. I.E. According to Easton, their old ultralites are technically worse in terms of performance according to their 10point scale you see on their shafts and sticks. Me, my buddy and others have tried both and don't notice much of a difference if not any. Just a color change. If you're gonna give me discount because the paint job is different, by all means, feel free to do so.

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At my stores, when the new stuff shows up, the old stuff gets discounted. We may have 2 or 3 different sale prices on stuff until it's gone. For instance, we put one brand of skates (03 models) on sale about 6 weeks ago (once the new skates started trickling in) and we're going to lower the prices again this week to spark sales and to counter our major competition's recent sale prices.

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Guest SiCkMoVes

I say in September..Just Because It's After the Summer.

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the best time is the beginning of the next season, stores lower the prices to try to make room for the new stuff coming in.

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Sept. wouldnt work cuz so many players are scrambling to get hockey sticks for their upcoming season. I though summer cuz hockey is not the main focus during summer time but i could be wrong

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Guest Datsyuk*13

I find about a week after hockey seasons done they have big blowouts to try and make room for baseball stuff.

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Which woulda been a few weeks ago, the local sport check has such solid prices, they never drop cuz they never get newer models, they are still trying to sell the old ultra lites (yellow/goldish version)

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........our Classic Gold skate (1 pr left) is around $220 or so...I went to a store in York PA who was still trying to get full MSRP for it...............

Yeah a LHS near me is still trying to get full price for a red-silver tri-flex. :blink:

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