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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what gear is your favorite brand?


30 members have voted

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I like to shop around. A half-year ago it would have been mission. Now I get what fits and works the best for me.

Edit: If we want to list gear:

Bauer Helmet

Jofa Shoulders

Rbk Elbows

Bauer Girdle

CCM Gloves

Mission Shins

CCM Skates

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I just use whatever works, I'm about the least likely person to be brand loyal for all my gear. Let's see:

Mission helmet

Canadien elbow pads

Bauer gloves

Tackla pants

Jofa shins

Bauer skates

WSI cup

Sherwood stick

I guess that means Bauer is my favorite brand? :blink:

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If in doubt I'll always go CCM. Lately it's been RBK (same deal).

I've tried other brands in recent years but they just didn't "feel right". I've gone CCM for 20 years so maybe it's just ingrained.

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