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Graf Pants..opinions?

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I did a search and couldnt find any info on the Graf 700 pant. These pants seem similar to tacklas and are a bit cheaper than the 5000s. Does anyone have the Graf 700 pants or heard anything about them?



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The ones I saw looked like they were made in the same factory as Tacklas. I know Graf has a bunch of stuff coming out for next year, I don't recall if the pants are new or not.

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The ones I saw looked like they were made in the same factory as Tacklas. I know Graf has a bunch of stuff coming out for next year, I don't recall if the pants are new or not.

Doesn't Vaughn make Tackla pants? Or was it Montreal?

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I had the 700s. Not terrible pants. I thought the padding was a little bulky, but it was "slippery" on the inside, so the pads were actually pretty mobile.

I like my Rbk 8ks much better.

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I didn't ever think I'd use different style pants than the traditional Tackla/Bauer..but I went back and used my old Bauer Pro Stock after spending the past 5 months in a Vapor XXX Lite pant..and I'll never go back..

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made some friends through the years.. :D

-its not the finished pant, but the one they demo'd at the Team USA Jr camp in the fall....

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I had the 700s. Not terrible pants. I thought the padding was a little bulky, but it was "slippery" on the inside, so the pads were actually pretty mobile.

The 500 series does not have the extra bulky padding and minus the leg zippers. I found the 500s much better than the 700s.

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I was told that Prism manufactors Tackla pants in Canada. The factory is in scarborough

My latest pair of 5000x's came from Thailand, but I'm in the US.

Nate what size are you? I need to go down a size and am ordering some new 5000x's (one step up from the 5000's). I've only had these ones a few weeks and they are still like new. Interested?

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