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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tim Hortons Death

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A bunch of us were talking after hockey last night, and 2 guys got into it over what kind of car Tim Horton was driving the night he died in the car accident on the QEW Between Buffalo & Toronto?

Does anyone know?

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Horton was hesitant to sign for another year in Buffalo. His donut empire was growing exponentially and at 43, he was the second oldest player in the league, just months younger than netminder Gump Worsley. But Imlach realized he needed Horton on the blueline, and offered him another one-year contract. Negotiations were confirmed with Horton receiving a Pantera sportscar as a bonus.

On February 20, 1974, Buffalo was visiting Toronto, hoping to steal two points and help gain enough momentum to propel the team towards a playoff spot. Horton played his typical game, and although the Sabres lost 4-2, Tim was named the game's third star.

"He was hurting too bad to play a regular shift in the third period," recalled Sabre coach Punch Imlach. "We faded without him and lost the game to the Leafs. After the game, he and I took a little walk up Church Street and had what was our last talk. He was down in the dumps because he didn't like to miss a shift and he felt he had cost us the game. I got on the bus with the team. Tim drove the cursed car back to Buffalo. He didn't make it." On his way back to Buffalo at 4:30 the morning of February 21, 1974, Horton lost control of his speeding car on the highway near St. Catharines, rolling it several times. Tim Horton was killed instantly.


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