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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor Skates in New England

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I was just looking at latest issue of Hockey Night in Boston newspaper, Volume 22, # 5. The front cover features Catholic Memorial of Boston playing Hanover of New Hampshire. Of the six skaters in the photo 4 have Vapor skates, 1 RBK Pump, 1 unknown. I started to look through the rest of the newspaper and Vapor skates dominate any game photos where you can identify the brand. I thought New England was strong on RBK/CCM and very little Vapor was used at prep and high school levels. The photos show otherwise. These players/schools/teams are not "sponsored" by a brand/vendor, are they? This is prep and high school where the player still buys his own skates. Very interesting, Agent 86.............

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I still believe you would be hard pressed to find many areas (other than isolated pockets) where there is a skate more popular or prevelant than the Vapor

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Purely anecdotal. In New England (my area anyway), the breakdown isabout 45% Bauer, 45% CCM, all others combined 10%. The Vapor line is the most popular Bauer skate, as is the Vectors for the CCM line.

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