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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HUGE Kudos to Go Pio's and Christian Hockey

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I just wanted to say I was having some issues with their blades and they helped me out and hook me up with something else...THanks a lot...Great customer service (Just letting everyone know)

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I just wanted to say I was having some issues with their blades and they helped me out and hook me up with something else...THanks a lot...Great customer service (Just letting everyone know)

Well, thats nice! :rolleyes:

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I was using some blades that werent very durable at all......He helped me out and got me a OPS for my troubles....Very nice guy

Greg said its the chrisian ou like chadd

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too bad their OPS are as durable as rotten wood. stick to their shafts and blades, your better off. how do i know this? i have a lot of shafts and baldes fromt hem, hardly break them, and i broke 3 ops in 1 week. On our team we each got OPS and no one uses them anymore as they are garbage. Furthermore, the toehr teams in our league that have christian dont use OPS anymore as they all broke instantly.

Harrow or christian shafts with wood blades are money, their graphite blades aint too bad either.

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so did they get you better blades as well? or are the blades still sub par and the ops was just to make amends for the suck that is their blades?

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I was using some blades that werent very durable at all......He helped me out and got me a OPS for my troubles....Very nice guy

Greg said its the chrisian ou like chadd

The white one?

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too bad their OPS are as durable as rotten wood. stick to their shafts and blades, your better off. how do i know this? i have a lot of shafts and baldes fromt hem, hardly break them, and i broke 3 ops in 1 week. On our team we each got OPS and no one uses them anymore as they are garbage. Furthermore, the toehr teams in our league that have christian dont use OPS anymore as they all broke instantly.

Harrow or christian shafts with wood blades are money, their graphite blades aint too bad either.

We had problems with the Torchlite but not the torch.

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I was using some blades that werent very durable at all......He helped me out and got me a OPS for my troubles....Very nice guy

Greg said its the chrisian ou like chadd

The white one?

Ya. Do you really like it? Is it the torch or torch light? Hows the feel?

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I was using some blades that werent very durable at all......He helped me out and got me a OPS for my troubles....Very nice guy

Greg said its the chrisian ou like chadd

The white one?

Ya. Do you really like it? Is it the torch or torch light? Hows the feel?

It's called the Medalist for 2006. It's very similar to the 2004 model that was slightly blade heavy but had outstanding feel and durability. I'm all about feel and it's my favorite Christian OPS.

yglodd was the torchlite the new model (Red fading to black)?

Torchlite was discontinued.

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