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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Songs on upload sites

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Hey is there any way to save a song that someone has uploaded to an upload site. The song i want to save is from his site Song O and for anyone who listens to this, people from belfast are NOT like this, dont believe everything you read lol.

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i think right clicking and going save target as may work?

thats how i saved ovechkins goal to my PC.

iunno just try tho


Normally that would work but I dont think you can with this because it is streaming.

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i think right clicking and going save target as may work?

thats how i saved ovechkins goal to my PC.

iunno just try tho


Where were ya able to find his goal on the net?

EDIT - 900TH!

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To save streaming videos to your hd you need a proggy like Streambox or similar. Just do a goggle search on streaming tools.

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