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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom curves

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You need to order at least 6 or 12 blades from Sher-Wood. You ask for a 950 SOP (standard), don't know what the tapered one is, and send them a sample pattern. They'll make them, and you'll get them.

OPS, the Min is 6 for the Momentums, and they're like $250 a piece.

Edit: 626th post, the same model of my car (Mazda 626)...

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Looks like MIA is coming out with a 435g OPS (inferno) you can get your own custom curve on. 4 stick min order.

Besides that I don't know much about it, but it should be the "cheapest" solution. If you don't care about it beeing a composite most manufactores offer wood SOP with a 12 stick min.

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Talk to your LHS and see what they can do. MIA is coming out with an OPS that is customizable, Sherwood has the momentum and the blades seem to be a per basis thing. There are some definites, if you search, you'll find them.

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What kind of money would i have to put down with easton? Is it true that i could get custom vectors? :unsure:

Trust me,I highly doubt you could even afford the mold for a composite stick,let alone the actual 12-15 sticks you will have to order.

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What kind of money would i have to put down with easton? Is it true that i could get custom vectors? :unsure:

Trust me,I highly doubt you could even afford the mold for a composite stick,let alone the actual 12-15 sticks you will have to order.

He could of won the lottery :P

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What kind of money would i have to put down with easton? Is it true that i could get custom vectors? :unsure:

They won't let you. Getting into the company in a higher up is the only way I could see it happening. Vectors were just a rumour last I checked.

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