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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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concave endplug

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Not sure what you mean by concave unplug?

Oggie Ergo Grips are end plugs that are convex on the palm side of your hand and concave on the opposite side. They're just made to fit your hand better.

There is also something called a Mission Power Plug that is angled off the end of your stick.

Other than that you can buy a wood extension up to 12" and do some whittleing and break out the Bondo like I use to do.....

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Not sure what you mean by concave unplug?

Oggie Ergo Grips are end plugs that are convex on the palm side of your hand and concave on the opposite side. They're just made to fit your hand better.

There is also something called a Mission Power Plug that is angled off the end of your stick.

Other than that you can buy a wood extension up to 12" and do some whittleing and break out the Bondo like I use to do.....

i think he is talking about hios shaft beings concave and standard end plugs wont fit.

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i think he is talking about hios shaft beings concave and standard end plugs wont fit.

You might be right, but that doesn't make sense. Our G1's are concave through the bulk of their length, but the tops accept standard plugs. I would think other brands are the same way.

If he's looking for something to fit comfortably in his hand, he's gotta try the Ergo Grip. I won't ever switch back.

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i think he is talking about hios shaft beings concave and standard end plugs wont fit.

You might be right, but that doesn't make sense. Our G1's are concave through the bulk of their length, but the tops accept standard plugs. I would think other brands are the same way.

If he's looking for something to fit comfortably in his hand, he's gotta try the Ergo Grip. I won't ever switch back.

I thought we had to put TPS Pro Radius plugs in the G10 shafts. Then again, I could be wrong.

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The G10 accept standard inserts. For instance, my buddy threw in an Ergo Grip after he borrowed my stick.

Does the TPS Pro Radius fit differently than standard inserts?

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Oggie Ergo Grips are end plugs that are convex on the palm side of your hand and concave on the opposite side. They're just made to fit your hand better.

So, are there right hand and left hand versions of the grips?

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