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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates and Socks

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Is playing sockless really going to destroy my skates faster i have graf 727 and they feel better without them but they where an investement and want them to last...should i continue barefoot or put socks on...I already take great care of them hanging them to dry with insoles removed....Thanks for the opinions

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If your going to skate without socks, you have to be sure to dry your skates out. Several guys I know skate without socks and don't dry their skates. Their skates are falling apart. As long as your thoroughly drying your skates you should be okay.

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Why does not wearing socks destroy skates quicker?

They will stink and actually wear out faster as they soak up all the perspiration from your feet.

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ah got it, so the boot soaks up the sweat wearing it down, but when you play with socks the socks soask up most of the sweat. that makes sense.

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i had this same delema with my xxx's i wore them without socks. they lasted 6 months of hard use and they were shot. My second pair im wearing socks and they just dont feel right but im gonna have to stick to socks becuase the skates just cant take the use. I dry all my stuff out after games so i would stick with socks if you want them to last

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I have XXX's and when I didn't wear socks i got these huge blisters and they killed when ever i went on the ice. So if u don't wear socks i would if i were you.

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i had this same delema with my xxx's i wore them without socks. they lasted 6 months of hard use and they were shot. My second pair im wearing socks and they just dont feel right but im gonna have to stick to socks becuase the skates just cant take the use. I dry all my stuff out after games so i would stick with socks if you want them to last

If you have trouble wearing socks, try to get a "skate sock". They are thiner than normal socks. Thats what i wear and whenever i try my skates on with regular socks i cant stand it.

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Yeah, I use the Wigwam gobi footliner or their other footliner, which are ultra-thin.

I prefer that feel to barefoot, but even so, the thing I guess I don't understand with a wicking sock like that is that the moisture has to go somewhere. So am I really getting any of the supposed boot-protection benefit if the sock I'm wearing is just moving the moisture outwardly anyway?

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If you have trouble wearing socks, try to get a "skate sock". They are thiner than normal socks. Thats what i wear and whenever i try my skates on with regular socks i cant stand it.

I just picked up a pair of underarmour hockey socks and once your out on the ice you can't even tell they're on your foot. I'd recomend them to anyone playing hockey

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I wear cycling socks (they're like the new skate socks that have come out recently). You have something on your feet that soaks the sweat up, but they don't get soggy like cotton sports socks. But, you still have to dry your skates afterwards.

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JR I've been thinking about trying the OxySox for some time know, play with the thin WigWam's atm.

How thin is the OxySox and would you recommend it for Inlinehockey, over thin wigwam's underarmours etc...?

And does the (sales pitch) increased blood-circulation really make a difference?

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Like JR, I'm a fan of the OxySox. Jimmy turned me on to these last year before a tournament.

Us old guys need all the help we can get and I was impressed. It did help with circulation and I skate in nothing but these now.

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