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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Profiling

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I was just wondering whether or not to pay extra to get my skates profiled. I searched for a topic on this but didn't find anything, so I wanted to get some feedback on if it helped players and if its worth the extra cash.

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I was just wondering whether or not to pay extra to get my skates profiled. I searched for a topic on this but didn't find anything, so I wanted to get some feedback on if it helped players and if its worth the extra cash.

Are you having problems skating?

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Not at all, I'm skating fine. But the guy that wants to profile them for me for $25 says he'll look at the way I skate and customize the hollow and stuff to fit my skating style. He sharpens my skates already, and I'm not sure if it really works or he just wants some cash. Will the profiling help me skate better?

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Not at all, I'm skating fine. But the guy that wants to profile them for me for $25 says he'll look at the way I skate and customize the hollow and stuff to fit my skating style. He sharpens my skates already, and I'm not sure if it really works or he just wants some cash. Will the profiling help me skate better?

Watch out! I have worn bauers (Tuuk holder/steel) my hole life and can't skate on anything but. I have a walking condition called (Supination (Under-pronation) ) and had to put Graf/ Cobra holder and steel and it was a different profile than Bauer and it was like I was learning to skate all over again. I had the Cobras profiled to A 9' radius (tuuk) and I am now good to go. My understanding is if you skate good with your current blade then you will be fine. Every person I know to profile to improve there skating had alot of problems. But I guess if you were just learning to skate you would be fine.

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Not at all, I'm skating fine. But the guy that wants to profile them for me for $25 says he'll look at the way I skate and customize the hollow and stuff to fit my skating style. He sharpens my skates already, and I'm not sure if it really works or he just wants some cash. Will the profiling help me skate better?

And I would like to add that your hollow is different then a profile. You should have your skates sharpended to your current weight.

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id recommend a profile. every player is different so say a 9 ft profile isnt good for everyone, for example, im on a 13 and wear vapors.

Right, But if you wear a graf boot and you go to Vapors then it would be good to keep the Graf profile. so then just profile the LS to a 11'...for example. if it's not broke don't fix it! :P

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Think of profiling like this. There are many different stick curves. Why is that? Because some work PERFECT for some players, and are terrible for others. Skate rockers are the same, the factor settings works perfect for some, and are terrible for others. You need to find the profile that works "perfect" for you. Don't go by what ANYONE says you should have. Ask an experienced radius technician, start with one setting and experiment from there.

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Think of profiling like this. There are many different stick curves. Why is that? Because some work PERFECT for some players, and are terrible for others. Skate rockers are the same, the factor settings works perfect for some, and are terrible for others. You need to find the profile that works "perfect" for you. Don't go by what ANYONE says you should have. Ask an experienced radius technician, start with one setting and experiment from there.

But why fix what is'nt broken. So I like a 9' radius and can't skate on a 11' so maybe a 10' would work for me but why mess around unless you have a problem. a couple guys on my team were told that a profile would help them and after several hous of bitching they cahanged back to there old radius. And by several I mean 10-20 Ice Hrs.

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If you want the same feel, you need to change your hollow as well. 1/2" on a 9' is going to bite a lot more than 1/2" on 11"

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If you want the same feel, you need to change your hollow as well. 1/2" on a 9' is going to bite a lot more than 1/2" on 11"

I just learned that today....interesting. Never thought it would matter.

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If you want the same feel, you need to change your hollow as well. 1/2" on a 9' is going to bite a lot more than 1/2" on 11"

1/2 inch bites the same, regardless of radius.

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If you want the same feel, you need to change your hollow as well. 1/2" on a 9' is going to bite a lot more than 1/2" on 11"

1/2 inch bites the same, regardless of radius.

Same weight, less steel on the ice, same effect as a deeper hollow.

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If you want the same feel, you need to change your hollow as well. 1/2" on a 9' is going to bite a lot more than 1/2" on 11"

1/2 inch bites the same, regardless of radius.

So maybe I did'nt want to learn that :P I have never tested it but I heard that 3 times the last couple of days if I include Chadd.

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When I think "profile", I think pitch and not radius.

My understanding is that Profile and radius is the same thing.....changed with the blade/steel. And pitch has to do with the Boot//Holder

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When I think "profile", I think pitch and not radius.

My understanding is that Profile and radius is the same thing.....changed with the blade/steel. And pitch has to do with the Boot//Holder

I don't agree. I achieved my forward pitch by having my blades cut as such.

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When I think "profile", I think pitch and not radius.

My understanding is that Profile and radius is the same thing.....changed with the blade/steel. And pitch has to do with the Boot//Holder

I don't agree. I achieved my forward pitch by having my blades cut as such.

Right, but I am speaking of stock Skates I understand that you can change pitch with steel but it can also be done with lifts.

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