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Differences between vectors and tacks

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I'm looking to get myself some new skates, I have been looking at getting some CCM's. I was just wondering what everyone's opinions are on the differences between the Vector Pro's and the Pro Tacks.

In my local hockey shop, the two skates are the same price so I am guessing that there cant be a whole load of difference between the 2.

Can anyone give me any advice on the 2. I havent had a chance yet to try them out and feel the difference in weight etc. Any advice greatfully received!

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I'm looking to get myself some new skates, I have been looking at getting some CCM's. I was just wondering what everyone's opinions are on the differences between the Vector Pro's and the Pro Tacks.

In my local hockey shop, the two skates are the same price so I am guessing that there cant be a whole load of difference between the 2.

Can anyone give me any advice on the 2. I havent had a chance yet to try them out and feel the difference in weight etc. Any advice greatfully received!

I cosidered both these skates before getting the Vapors here is what I thought or was told:


CCM skate to compete with the Vapors

-More narrow then the tacks

-Shallower boot

-I was told they were lighter..Not sure though

-I thought they were very comfortable but my right foot fell asleep in the store.

- I would say the ankle area is more comfortable than the tacks and for sure more than my Vapors.

- Normal ankle narrow toe box

Tacks are Wider, deeper,Larger toe box and heavier (was told) and to me felt alot sloppier than the vectors. But my foot is not as wide as was first though and I need a shallow boot. A D Tack felt good but was to deep. so I hope this helps a little. :D

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OK, now I have heard the term "deeper" before (typically it's from my girlfriend in areas best left not to discuss here, but in this case I'm talking about deeper as it relates to skates).

What does that mean? Are you saying that the height of the skate in the footbed area is taller (i.e., the part between the bottom of the foot and the top of the foot), does it mean that a 9 in a Tack is longer than a 9 in a Vector, does it mean that the forefoot area starts earlier in one, etc?

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The Vector has more volume than the Tack does. The quarters of the skate come up higher, accommodating a thicker foot.

Just to make sure I understand, are you saying that the Vector series are actually wider than a Tack? Hurricane's post seems to indicate that the toebox and forefoot area in a Vector is narrower as well as "shallower".


CCM skate to compete with the Vapors

-More narrow then the tacks

-Shallower boot

-I was told they were lighter..Not sure though

-I thought they were very comfortable but my right foot fell asleep in the store.

- I would say the ankle area is more comfortable than the tacks and for sure more than my Vapors.

- Normal ankle narrow toe box

Tacks are Wider, deeper,Larger toe box and heavier (was told) and to me felt alot sloppier than the vectors. But my foot is not as wide as was first though and I need a shallow boot. A D Tack felt good but was to deep. so I hope this helps a little. 

Yet, folks at 2 different LHS' have told me that the Vector and Tack are the same in width (hence my continued confusion).

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a d/a is a d/a but the overall size and shape of the last a skate is created on varies from model to model and year to year..

when you're measured for skates, they typically check the length/width ..but volume is left out...

I know my long foot is ~28.54cm..however if a skate isn't "deep" enough ..have enough volume..its not going to fit..I'll be in a size 12 (30cm) instead of a 10/10.5

skates such as the Classic Gold by Bauer, were based on a last that had quite a bit of volume..so people who were coming from a Vapor or anything wasn't nearly as deep...often called them wider..

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yo..I'm not about to get into a discussion with the skate doctor..but width is a fixed unit of measure..yes? a D/A in a Vapor XXX is the same as a Supreme..but the volume is completely different..making "usable" width in a skate vary from model to model, even something as small as a footbed with a high arch in it can make a skate feel too narrow if you are wide across the middle of the foot/arch

I guess I think people are confusing 3D options vs 2D when discussing widths and fit..

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Oh Jim, I'm agreeing with you. I was just adding that while a D is a D is a D, some skates are wider in some areas than others because of the lasts they have been created on.

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