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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for CCM Vector 110's

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Im looking for a 110's in a RH stuart curve but cant seem to find them anywhere....Anyone know of anywhere that still might have these in stock?...Thanks

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Wow, I had some of those. Had to mark them down big-time to get rid of them. the Stuart was not popular. The 110 was, a great stick.

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Will this ccm vector 100 ops fit a standard blade or tapered blade if it snaps??

If you flip it over you can put a standard blade in. To fit a tapered blade in it, you would be not cut off the blade, and then cut down the shaft until the blade fits. If you search there are several topics about this.

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Wow, I had some of those. Had to mark them down big-time to get rid of them. the Stuart was not popular. The 110 was, a great stick.

Good for roller hockey I suppose. Durable, shoots okay, but it has a plasticky feel i dont really like. Right now it's my third stick after a whip xn10 shaft/ xv blade and flipped M1 grip with a SOP blade.

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