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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have one at home. I can take a picture of it and post it on here if you like. I would explain it as an Iginlia only with the blade being bigger and little longer. It's also rockered or "shaved" towards the toe of the blade. I believe the lie is around a 5-5.5, once again very close to the Iggy. Someone posted some pics on here of one a while back. Use the search feature.

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I have one at home. I can take a picture of it and post it on here if you like. I would explain it as an Iginlia only with the blade being bigger and little longer. It's also rockered or "shaved" towards the toe of the blade. I believe the lie is around a 5-5.5, once again very close to the Iggy. Someone posted some pics on here of one a while back. Use the search feature.


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there was 2 blade like this like 2 weeks ago in the sell section but blade were sold fast.too bad i would have bought them!

look like a nice blade,

One thing: what do you mean by Being bigger??

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im diggen that curve..might have to pick one up

inno/warrior is not producing the roberts blade any more. you would need to find older stock. the winnwell pattern 12 is the same as hte roberts. if you need standard try perani's they have a bunch of heslper f4s in that pattern.

as stated before here both the f4 and winnwell are inno products.

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I have a tapered Inno Roberts blade I would sell if anyone is interested. It's brand new, never used.

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