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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX gloves...

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So i bought a pair of black 15" vapor XXX gloves and i know the palms are ment to be pro light weight and not durable etc.. but im wondering if i should get some like leather put in the left palm (im right handed) to protect it from holes.

is this a good idea? or would it weigh the glove down and make it feel uncomfortable?

I work at a place that i could get the work done so im just wanting to know if its a good route to take.

thanks boys

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Use electrical tape on the top of your stick, virtually no wear on gloves.

i thought the point of tape was for it to be easier to grip.

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Use electrical tape on the top of your stick, virtually no wear on gloves.

i thought the point of tape was for it to be easier to grip.

Your not gripping the knob....That is a great solution and it works.

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dude thanks

im going to try that for next practice

does the color matter?

like i have some green electrical and i wanna know if it would leave green residue in my palms

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i run over my knobs with candle wax (not the sticky stick wax) and it helps smooth out the tape on the knob. limits the sticky residue from tape

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How long does it take for them to wear out? I have an uncountable number of old Wilson Pros laying around but I would think they would get torn really easily at the knob. Do they get torn easily?

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So i bought a pair of black 15" vapor XXX gloves and i know the palms are ment to be pro light weight and not durable etc.. but im wondering if i should get some like leather put in the left palm (im right handed) to protect it from holes.

is this a good idea? or would it weigh the glove down and make it feel uncomfortable?

I work at a place that i could get the work done so im just wanting to know if its a good route to take.

thanks boys

Well...a couple of things:

1) Do you know the reason Bauer shipped the XXX with an extra pair of palms attached? Hint, it wasn't because the palms were meant to be "durable." Also, some retailers have removed the extra palms from being attached to the gloves so that they could either use them down the road, or, keep them from being stolen.

2) Tacki-Mac Grips accomplish both giving grip and not chewing up palms on your gloves. I use the small "sand texture", which is their "roughest" grip and it doesn't tear up my palms a single bit.

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yeah like i know we took the palms off the gloves and put them in a bag in our repair area just so nobody steals them. some people just grab the gloves without knowing they get extra palms so we do have vapor XXX palms in our bag for people to have put in other gloves for a fee though.crappy i know but when a person just grabs them and isnt aware that they get extra palms they wont know and probably wont care

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yeah like i know we took the palms off the gloves and put them in a bag in our repair area just so nobody steals them. some people just grab the gloves without knowing they get extra palms so we do have vapor XXX palms in our bag for people to have put in other gloves for a fee though.crappy i know but when a person just grabs them and isnt aware that they get extra palms they wont know and probably wont care

Then your sales staff and the girls you have working the cash register should be extra careful to give people who buy the XXX gloves the palms you have kept at the back, because otherwise customers could get awfully PO'd if they ever find out that you deliberately removed a part they paid for but never got.

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My Vapor XXX's didn't come with extra palms. I completely forgot about it when I was purchasing them until I read the tag that said "Extend the life of your gloves. Incuded in every pair of XXX gloves is an extra pair of palms." I was PISSED.

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yeah like i know we took the palms off the gloves and put them in a bag in our repair area just so nobody steals them. some people just grab the gloves without knowing they get extra palms so we do have vapor XXX palms in our bag for people to have put in other gloves for a fee though.crappy i know but when a person just grabs them and isnt aware that they get extra palms they wont know and probably wont care

Then your sales staff and the girls you have working the cash register should be extra careful to give people who buy the XXX gloves the palms you have kept at the back, because otherwise customers could get awfully PO'd if they ever find out that you deliberately removed a part they paid for but never got.

well how bout giving this a thought, what would you do if you saw a wall full of vapor XXX gloves with the extra palms hanging there attached and knew you get a free pair of palms with them, your telling me the average person wouldnt grab another pair from another glove. its all about security, we took them off for security reasons.

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yeah like i know we took the palms off the gloves and put them in a bag in our repair area just so nobody steals them. some people just grab the gloves without knowing they get extra palms so we do have vapor XXX palms in our bag for people to have put in other gloves for a fee though.crappy i know but when a person just grabs them and isnt aware that they get extra palms they wont know and probably wont care

Then your sales staff and the girls you have working the cash register should be extra careful to give people who buy the XXX gloves the palms you have kept at the back, because otherwise customers could get awfully PO'd if they ever find out that you deliberately removed a part they paid for but never got.

well how bout giving this a thought, what would you do if you saw a wall full of vapor XXX gloves with the extra palms hanging there attached and knew you get a free pair of palms with them, your telling me the average person wouldnt grab another pair from another glove. its all about security, we took them off for security reasons.

I don't know about the average person, I know I wouldn't steal one. Would you ?

I concede that theft might be a small problem, but if so then you have an obligation to make sure that all your staff are trained to let XXX customers know that the gloves come with the extra palms. Or maybe, if that's too much for the cashier to handle, you could add an extra tag onto the gloves that lets the customers AND the cashier know that she should give the customer the palms, or put up a sign in the glove section, or SOMETHING.

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