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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Repair

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I had a stick repaired and the repair insert cracked after a couple of games. I have heard a lot of good stuff about SRS so I think I may of just had some bad luck.

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Either they didnt set it properly or it didnt sit long enough. We havent had one returned to us yet.

I hope you brought t back to the shop as it has a warrantee.

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No, it wont work with the SRS because the shaft isnt flush anymore

Not true anymore, SRS can fix the entire stick now, even in the tapered area. I've done about a dozen in that area so far, results have been good.

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if it´s already postet - sorry, but i haven´t read the full thread...:

im going to buy a used pro stock stealth for about 45 USD.

the stick is played 2-3 times an it has a scratch on the blade.

how can i repair this? with armor-tape (don´t know if anyone of you knows about this...)


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Really? How do you go about fixing the taper area?

Oh, it's simple. Cut away damaged area or if just a crack, sand off the paint around the break. If stick is in two pieces, use alignment clamp to get stick back into correct alignment. If damaged area was removed, use special carbon bondo-like filler to fill voids. Wait 6hrs. Sand level. Prepare two layers of carbon sleeve and mix with two-part epoxy. Place over break area and use compression clamp and compression tape to form carbon around shape of shaft. Wait 6hrs. Remove mold, sand and feather. It's a PITA but works great.

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Really? How do you go about fixing the taper area?

Oh, it's simple. Cut away damaged area or if just a crack, sand off the paint around the break. If stick is in two pieces, use alignment clamp to get stick back into correct alignment. If damaged area was removed, use special carbon bondo-like filler to fill voids. Wait 6hrs. Sand level. Prepare two layers of carbon sleeve and mix with two-part epoxy. Place over break area and use compression clamp and compression tape to form carbon around shape of shaft. Wait 6hrs. Remove mold, sand and feather. It's a PITA but works great.

I understand the process as I have personally SRS fixed many sticks, but doesnt the area always come out unflush for you?

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