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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i need a new helmet

i bogiuht a bauer 4000 and it was a large but it was too big

so i picked up a nike 4000 size medium and it was too small

the helmets are pretty much identical but i had heard that nikes run smaller than bauers

does anybody know?

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i've had bauer 4000 and nike 0004 and to me the Nike feels tighter fitting as opposed to the bauer where it fits a little looser and not crushed up against your temples

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i usually wear a medium helmet, but with the 4000 i had to go to a large, which was kinda loose on it's smallest setting. because the foam was thicker than other helmets...i now use a 5000 med that fits perfectly.

maybe try the 3000, as i believe the foam is thinner?

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i usually wear a medium helmet, but with the 4000 i had to go to a large, which was kinda loose on it's smallest setting. because the foam was thicker than other helmets...i now use a 5000 med that fits perfectly.

That's weird. I did the opposite... went from a 4000 medium to a 5000 large.

I went through two 4000's. Both of them developed cracks by the adjustment screws behind the ears and the foam padding got dark with what I suspected was mold. The 5000 is holding up much better; no screws to adjust and the padding is coated with some kind of anti-bacterial vinyl.

Here's Bauer's sizing chart from the insert that came with my lid:


XL 23.5 - 25"

L 23 - 24"

M 21.5 - 23.5"

S 20.5 - 22"

HH8000 Pro VN (I don't know what Pro VN means)

L 23 - 24.5"

M 21.5 - 23.5"

S 20.5 - 22"


L 22.5 - 24.5"

M 21.5 - 23.5"

S 20.5 - 22.5"


XL 24.5 - 26"

L 23 - 25"

M 22 - 23.5"

S 21 - 22.5"

XS 20 - 21.5"


L 23 - 25"

M 22 - 23.5"

S 21 - 22.5"

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There is a NEW 4500 NBH helmet due out in the late spring, they have delt with the problem of the helmets cracking at the screws and added venting. The medium size fit very close to my 4 yr old 4000 med. when I tried it on. (though like all new helmets it will take some time to get used to) They have upgraded the liner material as well.

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