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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Louisville Rubber Shafts

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OK, our LHS has some Louisville Rubber shafts for $50. I know they are old, but that does not bother me.

I have only made a move from wood recently, and still use wood, but I thought this was a good deal, and could be a good idea to pick up, if I want to experiment with different curves etc as I improve.

Again, I know they are not the most current, but I am looking for something durable at the minute. The weight is not really a factor for me because I am not at a level to really feel a difference in terms of weight.

They have them in regular flex, none left in stiff or whip.

Also, the KOHO C21 blade, what curve is it. I tried to find it in the DB, but coming up empty, I only see specific skaters referred to there.

I currently use Koho Jagr wood sticks and a OPS Bauer Gagne curve.

Thanks for the help

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If you can use that flex, I'd go for it. Assuming it's at least the latest model they had going durability wasn't an issue at all. Are these black shafts or yellow? If they're black, you'll end up getting residue on your palms if that makes a difference to you.

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My rubbers awesome, although everybody I know that has one says they dont like it, I don't know why. I really like the rubber coating, my shots fine with it and its very durable.

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If you can use that flex, I'd go for it. Assuming it's at least the latest model they had going durability wasn't an issue at all. Are these black shafts or yellow? If they're black, you'll end up getting residue on your palms if that makes a difference to you.

I don't know much about flex, my bauer is 102, and my woods are 48.5 KPS and 42.5 kps (someone posted here its kps times 2 plus 10 to get the easton rating) so I guess my woods are 107 and 95 easton rating.

They are the yellow ones, not black, and I don't believe they are the latest.

I am not sure, they look to be clearance, as they are not with the newest sticks, but I don't know what year they are.

Are regular flex sticks much different to what I use now, I think what I have now feel fairly stiff, but again, not sure that I am at a place where it makes a huge difference until I get more feel with the puck

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i used one a few years ago and i really liked it. if it is a black model it will turn your glove palms completly black like mack said though. They are also extremly durable but to me they have a very different feel from other shafts that i cant really explain.

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It's a nice shaft for $50, IMO. The thing is a tank. I have owned three and haven't broken a single one.

I'm pretty sure the rubber grip will stain your gloves whatever color the stick is. I have had a blue, a black, and a Red one. And my gloves always turn the color of the stick I'm using.

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had one that was given to me in pretty used condition. I used it, and it still held up fine. Sold it to a buddy for cheap and he's still using it. That thing is indestructable. But the black ones leave so much crap on your palms.

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I just broke mine that I've had since 2002, used 2-3 times per week (roller) on D and I have a pretty heavy shot. Black Rubber TPS XX-Stiff. I'm planning on trying an XN10 to see if like an OPS, but also plan on finding a Rubber XX-Stiff....just in case.

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My rubbers awesome, although everybody I know that has one says they dont like it, I don't know why. I really like the rubber coating, my shots fine with it and its very durable.

what flex and blade do u use?

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