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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spring Break 2006

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Playa Del Carmen.

Love it there...

Since I was 8 months old ive gone twice a year to playa del carmen,cozumel, and isla mujeres....not in about 3 or 4 years though from some family problems...

Hav you gone there before or no?

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Puerto Plata? Ew...

Crappy beaches.

I lived in La Romana for 7 years.

Last year i was in Punta Cana and the year before the La Romana. Beaches in Punta Cana are amazing IMO. La Romona was very nice.

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Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, about mt 6th-7th time going. Love it there.

Was there earlier this year, beaches weren't great. Where are you staying? Riu?

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Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, about mt 6th-7th time going. Love it there.

Was there earlier this year, beaches weren't great. Where are you staying? Riu?

Gran Ventana, 2nd visit there. Golf is great around so we decided to go back.

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Call me a flaming canuck (btw im NOT Canadian), but last year I took the ex up the the slope side condo in Colorado and went snowboarding. Nothing better than (except hockey) lots of alcohol, boarding, sitting in the hot tub while its snowing, and of course lots of ermm....well im sure you can figure it out :P

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Call me a flaming canuck (btw im NOT Canadian), but last year I took the ex up the the slope side condo in Colorado and went snowboarding. Nothing better than (except hockey) lots of alcohol, boarding, sitting in the hot tub while its snowing, and of course lots of ermm....well im sure you can figure it out 

for those of you who are slower than some ermm=masturbation. ROFL!!! Nelly, you wanna go to canada for spring break? Go hit up every rink we find and try to get in as many drop-ins as possible.

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Haha funny Gengler! I was actually considering going to my uncle's condo again this year, but I think you hit the money on the idea of going to Canada this year (not sure if you were joking or not though)!

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no joke, take the ol' compass with us and head north. Where gun crimes are as rare as tans. Lets go get us some drop-in hockey! Maybe we can convince rustybender to come with us. It would feel like mystery alaska...until andy tagged along, then it would be more like brokeback mountain. LOL. Just kidding andy, seriously we should all go. Split up gas money, it wouldn't be much, just some gay driving times. Maybe we can get david to go with us since becky pulled his d**k out of her purse and handed it back to him.

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Staying home, I haven't been on a plane for 21 years, do I have to say I'll be 23 in 3 months. :P

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Staying home, I haven't been on a plane for 21 years, do I have to say I'll be 23 in 3 months. :P

why havent u been on a plane in so long?

im 17 and been flyin my whole life.

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Im 13...twice a year since I was 8months old to mexico and then once a year to florida about and then some other years to other places....I have A LOT of miles...im a platnum member so wen i go to the airports I can get into those private cabins or w/e ..lol

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