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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spring Break 2006

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no joke, take the ol' compass with us and head north. Where gun crimes are as rare as tans. Lets go get us some drop-in hockey! Maybe we can convince rustybender to come with us. It would feel like mystery alaska...until andy tagged along, then it would be more like brokeback mountain. LOL. Just kidding andy, seriously we should all go. Split up gas money, it wouldn't be much, just some gay driving times. Maybe we can get david to go with us since becky pulled his d**k out of her purse and handed it back to him.

Ha, been to Toronto lately?

Anyways we just snow for the first time in about a month. Horrible weather for boarding this year.

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Barbados for a week, Palm Springs for a week, My golf house for a week. Should be legit

3 weeks? That's one helluva spring break.

I'm going to Banff for 3 days, then when I get back the GF's parents are in Vegas for the rest of reading week, so that's pretty much a vacation ;)

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Playa Del Carmen.

Love it there...

Since I was 8 months old ive gone twice a year to playa del carmen,cozumel, and isla mujeres....not in about 3 or 4 years though from some family problems...

Hav you gone there before or no?

I've been there twice before. Its pretty nice..

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Sorry guys.  Islamorada Florida.  No drop in for me.

:rolleyes: Aww come on Andy, you know you want to go north instead of south! I mean honestly how often do we get a chance to take a road trip to play hockey in Canada? Don't spoil the fun, just tell the wife you can't take her to Florida for another month or so... :ph34r:

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