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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How is you personal season going?

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im not doing as well pointswise as i should, (2+6 in 7games) but i played 2 of those games in goal(my first time ever in net) and i have a top4 in the league save % in the league from them (85.71%). But thise season our main defender is out wiv a shoulder injury so iv switched into a much more defensive role so not too bad. And im playing for our region at U21s (only female player selected for any region at this level) so am pretty chuffed about that and our team is 100%. so all in all pretty good really.

this is from my inline league in the UK

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I play in the NEMHL (North Eastern Midget Hockey Leauge) It's not a bad league, I should be playing junior B probaly, but I'm kinda lazy so midgets is good, my team is 22-5-2 I have 31 goals 15 assists in 28 games played, missed one due to a sprained knee, heres the website if anyone wants to check it out http://www.nemhl.com/ I play for the Columbia Cougars, Mike Dubecky

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terrible, had a great season last year 2nd on team in goals, 3rd on team in points, got assistant captian for my senior year... senior year torn with a hip injury, only like 3 goals and 10 assists and now i have mono and out the rest of the season... pretty much a terrible season...

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Mines going a little worse than planned. I joined a one-day a week league after taking last ice-season off. I'm obviously not in the shape I was before, and the games are the night before a test, so I can't make all of them. It's a lower level league, and I am used to playing much higher, so it's a little frustrating, but it's still been decent when I can attend. Team is doing alright (middle of the pack) and theres a good group of guys (I knew 1 player coming into the season and he missed the first 10 games).

As for my coaching, it's doing alright. Still struggling a bit with some refs, but overall it isn't bad, about where we expected, hoping to gear up for a nice playoff run.

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Mine's been going better than expected. Our 16U team just finished the regular season today 18-0-2, and playoffs start in two weeks. The 19U travel is 21-14-3, but we're not really in a leauge, just play random scrimmages and tournaments, and it's not quite as fun when you're not playing for anything. <_<

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Worst season of my life. Only 1g and 8 assists, but i do play defense. Ive had no motivation to play this season. The coach tells me that he needs me to step it up, and that he needs me to be a leader next season, but Im not real sure if Im going to play next season. I just have no motivation to keep on playing.

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Worst season of my life. Only 1g and 8 assists, but i do play defense. Ive had no motivation to play this season. The coach tells me that he needs me to step it up, and that he needs me to be a leader next season, but Im not real sure if Im going to play next season. I just have no motivation to keep on playing.

When the reults go against you i know how it feels to start losing interest, i'm sure everyone has been through it. Talking of my great season, we just lost our first, its now out of our hands wheather we win the league or not, due to that fact we have had no training for 2 weeks but it's still a big blow.

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I play in a 1 game a week league.

Our team is doing really well. 8-1-3 puts us 2 points out of first place. 54 goals for puts us 1 goal behind in GF. 27 GA is the league low.

Me personally, not so hot. I had a really slow start. 4 goals, 3 assists, and 8 PIM. However, things have been picking up for me. The last 3 games I've had 2 goals and 3 assists. Hopefully I can keep it up.

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I play on the same team as rustybender. Look above for our good team stats and personally I have 19 goals and 3 assists. Leading the scoring and goals charts. MY first year in any organized hockey league.

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I really don't care much about personal stats, unless im trying to beat out someone I hate. I'd rather win then do well and lose. right now we are 3-3-1-2. I think i have 11 goals and 13 assists, but i could have more or less.

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As a skater, not so well. I have 1 goal and an assist. I was playing wing and then my coach recently moved me back to D so I've been ultra frustrated because I love playing wing and I just don't always feel like the other girls on my team are getting the job done out front. I can outskate almost all of them (if not all) of them and outshoot almost all of them (if not all). And coach puts me back on D. :rolleyes: I'm often open on the point or sneak into the high slot- and never get a pass.

As for between the pipes, I'm having an awesome season there. I've played 5 games and rotate with the other goalie, who if can't play, can't skate out because she doesn't know how.

Out of 114 shots against me, I've saved 109 which gives me a save percentage of .956%

I've had only one shutout this year. Out of the 5 goals scored against me, 4 of them have been in the 2nd period. My goals against average is 1.00.

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Im alastair band, was hpoing this season to get alot of points and few penalty minutes. Last season i got too many for trying to fight everyone. This season hasnt turned out that way though <_< Im assistant captain though. I think its partly because my defensive partner is so offensivley minded i HAVE to stay back. And this season the fights have just come to me lol. 2 for 2 in fights :D . However im looking for more points, i have more but the refs hardly ever give 2nd assist over here but o well. I also play up for the mens team which i wasnt expecting after being dropped in tryouts. They picked me up a couple of months into the season though. All my points came in a 3 game stretch haha.

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I think its partly because my defensive partner is so offensivley minded i HAVE to stay back.

Thats a nice way of putting it, you could say greed though

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Team wise, great. Just lost our first game on monday, so we're now 5 - 1.

Individually, crappy! I have just two points out of six games, both goals, and 2 penalty minutes.

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my season is going way better than expected, just got 3rd in our state tournament, only team to place higher than our seed, scored the first goal in the 3rd place game, then gave an assist with about 1:40 to go, we won 2-1, so i was kind of the hero

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Brutal. wound up practising all year with a Junior B team who wanted to play me but didnt have room to sign me and because of the small town politics i did'nt get on the AA team because the coach is an ass. I was first line on the school team until( i'm in my third year with them grade9,10) the new moron of a coach decided to put me on the last line because i mised an X game because of a Major Test. so i quit there. Hopefully I hit the 50 goal mark againt next year liekalst year but as for this year definitly not as good as planed.

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because the coach is an ass. I was first line on the school team until( i'm in my third year with them grade9,10) the new moron of a coach decided to put me on the last line because i mised an X game because of a Major Test.

Don't miss for tests, make up on the exam.

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Team wise: Much better then I expected, either 2nd or 3rd place, I can't remember. Playoffs for sure.

Personally: I try not to look at stats much, but so far I have been good for at least two points a game, and if I can keep on track I'm looking at a decent season (pointwise). I need to work on my faceoffs a bit, somehow I seemed to lose my faceoff touch since last season.

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my season has been going AWFUL. ive missed like 12 games injured and when im playing the puck just isnt finding the net. my coach exspected me to get atleast 80 pts. and the personal level im at and the level im playing (JV) it sounded reasonable to me. to my suprise after playing in sometyihng like 9 games, i only have 20 some points, may sound good to some but i should be way higher, atleast 35 and its aggrivating.

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I think its partly because my defensive partner is so offensivley minded i HAVE to stay back.

Thats a nice way of putting it, you could say greed though

LMAO so true, i have to stay back because about the red line he always gets turned over.

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Well, my season is going much better than expected -- I'm playing, which I didn't expect to happen until summer. :D

Last night was the New Player Evaluation Skate; the draft is Thursday. There were actually two skates, a B/C skate at 7:30 and an A/B at 9:00. I'm a C leaguer, but I couldn't make the 7:30, so I ended up skating with A/Bers (and I think 2 or 3 other Cs in the same situation).

In some ways it was good -- there were fewer players, so I got more ice time -- but man, it was tough to keep up. :D I didn't have a shot on goal all night (although I almost had a pair of breakaways), but I played all right on defense (broke up a couple of 2 on 1s and even a 3 on 1), so hopefully I didn't look too bad out there. Those A leaguers are fast, though; even turning around and skating forwards I couldn't keep up with most of them.

It was a heck of a skate -- we did skating/shooting drills for 15 minutes just to show off our level of ability, then we scrimmaged for an hour straight, no breaks, just roll the lines. That was kind of a new experience for me -- never played organized ice hockey before, so the whole line change thing (when to get off, getting over the wall both ways, shifting down the bench) took me a few shifts to get used to.

All in all, I was exhausted, but I actually don't feel too bad about how I played. I'm not sure how many of the C captains stayed to watch; hopefully at least a few. I did get to see the last half hour of the B/C skate, and there were a lot of C leaguers out there who were a lot newer to the sport than I am, so if any C captains did stay I think I'll come off all right.

Anyway, we'll see Friday or Saturday when my new captain contacts me. :)

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