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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stealth grip

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how does the durability compare the that of theSL i have broken 3 of those i know they are awful

so is the stealths durabilty any better

any recomendations for an easton ops if not because i love easton or anything close to that by another company thanks

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The blade durability of the Stealth may be a little bit better than the SL. The shaft durability will probably be about the same. If you want some opinions on the stick, check out the review section. There are a few detailed reviews for the Stealth.

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Love the stick, shaft, blade. Absoloutly hate the Modano curve. If you can find one with a good curve, and you've got the money, go for it. I need a Lindros or a Sakic atleast, Modano is just rough for wristers imho.

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i love mine, had it for quite a bit of time, and it still hasnt broke!

the grip sucks tho

would you recomend getting the regular one then

i havent ever tried the regular one, but my grip is all worn off of my shaft.

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I had 2 stealth grips, 1 pro stock and 1 regular and they were great performing sticks to light for me though so i switched after they broke. The normal stock stealth grip broke on me before the grip came off and that was about a month or so, so I would say the grip lasted for me. I also had a non grip stealth that i rubbed wax on the shaft for extra grip that worked to. If i had to choose i would go with the grip version over regular.

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what does everyone think of the steath grip

I love mine gabby 100 flex you can roof them from the top of the crease :D

I have an XXX-Lite PM9 pattern (Modo clone) that I can use to roof a puck from the top of the crease (albeit slightly inconsistently, as I've had the stick with this curve for 2 days :)).

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...hows that durability...

Terrible is what I have been hearing from people on here. Seems that any time someone says something about an XXX-Lite, they say that they broke it in about a week or two.

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what does everyone think of the steath grip

I love mine gabby 100 flex you can roof them from the top of the crease :D

I have an XXX-Lite PM9 pattern (Modo clone) that I can use to roof a puck from the top of the crease (albeit slightly inconsistently, as I've had the stick with this curve for 2 days :)).

I can roof it from the top of the crease with a broomstick.

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Well, I've had my XXX-Lite for 3 days... So I can't comment on durability, but I like the puck feel from it much better than my XN10, and the shaft dimensions feel awsome, the extreme concave feels somewhat weird.

I've got a few black marks on it, and some stickers have chipped, but that's only cosmetic.

I'll comment after I've had some reasonable amount of time with it.

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I called 1800-faceoff the other day about their price on the XXX-lite. They told me they are not carrying them because they have "durability issues". I think that says everything you need to know about the XXX-lite. They said try again around April when NBH comes out with the gen. 2 sticks.

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