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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new iPod case

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And the cheapest is $40. Ipod stuff is usually way over-priced, this is still expensive but i would rather pay 40 for this than 20 for a pack of sock covers <_<

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Overpriced for that? Hell no. Vaja cases are overpriced (but if I had a CC, I'd already have one...).

and tight as hell!

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Recieved it today. Its not exactly a case. They are just two pltes that you screw onto your ipod. It does not protect the sides, top, or bottom. The silver spacers on the corners protect it from impact, but the sides can still be scratched. It is nice though. Does make it a little bulky. How about this though... http://thinksecret.com/news/0602videoipod.html

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Recieved it today. Its not exactly a case. They are just two pltes that you screw onto your ipod. It does not protect the sides, top, or bottom. The silver spacers on the corners protect it from impact, but the sides can still be scratched. It is nice though. Does make it a little bulky. How about this though... http://thinksecret.com/news/0602videoipod.html

saw that too do u by chance visit ilounge.com?

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That's pretty... disappointing, considering that the current generation of the iPod was sold at a high rate because of Christmas. Urgh, companies and their thirst for money..*cough*Nike*cough*Rbk*cough*..

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Recieved it today. Its not exactly a case. They are just two pltes that you screw onto your ipod. It does not protect the sides, top, or bottom. The silver spacers on the corners protect it from impact, but the sides can still be scratched. It is nice though. Does make it a little bulky. How about this though... http://thinksecret.com/news/0602videoipod.html

Im guessing that is just a rumour. Lots of people have made their own renderings that show the exact same thing. Check the future ipods section on ilounge.

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