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Bauer 80-90 skates. . .

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i have tried searching, but if there is already a topic about this, im sorry.

Im getting new Bauer 80-90 skates, and cant wait for them to come in the mail. i have a few questions

Should i heat mold them?

if not maybe a few tips for breakign them in quickly.

thanks lots

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i have tried searching, but if there is already a topic about this, im sorry.

Im getting new Bauer 80-90 skates, and cant wait for them to come in the mail. i have a few questions

Should i heat mold them?

if not maybe a few tips for breakign them in quickly.

thanks lots

I have them...just got them and did'nt bake them....But I came from the Vapor 30 witch in my opinion was stiffer and very uncomfortable. The 8090 is a great skate I have 2 pair.

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i have tried searching, but if there is already a topic about this, im sorry. 

Im getting new Bauer 80-90 skates, and cant wait for them to come in the mail.  i have a few questions

Should i heat mold them?

if not maybe a few tips for breakign them in quickly.

thanks lots

I have them...just got them and did'nt bake them....But I came from the Vapor 30 witch in my opinion was stiffer and very uncomfortable. The 8090 is a great skate I have 2 pair.


8090 and XXX are nearly the same skate...

same outsole.. ( V-12 outsole )

same liner... ( hydrophobic liner)

same ankle support ( patented pro-integrated, anatomical heel/ankle support )

same ankle padding ( lightweight insta-form + foam-line pads )

same tongue ( XX; molded anatomical forward, ex. tongue with high-density metatarsal guard )

same Footbed ( Dry-Grip Stabilizer )

same holder ;p

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very true freak, however as I'm sure you know the fit is incredible different between the two skate models...which in some peoples eyes makes it uncomfortable, in reality you have to buy the right size skates to make them comfortable, the 8090 is a very wide skate, not for everyones foot but if it fits they are amazing

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I didnt mold them and it was the right decision.


Never had this "luck" with a skate, so i can recommend it !

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My synergy's have had it (after 6 months!) And i was looking to get a pair whilst they are cheap, im a 10R which my toes just about dont touch the ends, does anyone know which size i should get? All i have heard are good things about this skate

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i have tried searching, but if there is already a topic about this, im sorry. 

Im getting new Bauer 80-90 skates, and cant wait for them to come in the mail.  i have a few questions

Should i heat mold them?

if not maybe a few tips for breakign them in quickly.

thanks lots

I have them...just got them and did'nt bake them....But I came from the Vapor 30 witch in my opinion was stiffer and very uncomfortable. The 8090 is a great skate I have 2 pair.


8090 and XXX are nearly the same skate...

same outsole.. ( V-12 outsole )

same liner... ( hydrophobic liner)

same ankle support ( patented pro-integrated, anatomical heel/ankle support )

same ankle padding ( lightweight insta-form + foam-line pads )

same tongue ( XX; molded anatomical forward, ex. tongue with high-density metatarsal guard )

same Footbed ( Dry-Grip Stabilizer )

same holder ;p

The 8090 is a classic fit and Vapor 30 is the latest fit. Im not bashing the 30's but when you go from the XXX to the 8090's you can really tell the difference.( but is very simple the 8090 fits me better) I went down a half size and the boot is much deeper but I don't think it as stiff as the XXX. I had to have the XXX punched out 1/2 inch and my ankles were off the ankle pad so it was just the wrong skate all around for me....but they were a gift and I thought they would work. And yes the 8090 is the same material but I am being told from many people that I can excpect to have my 8090 a couple years were I would be lucky to Have my 30's one year. so I would say the 8090's are better built and may use better materials in some aspect of the boot. so if you have a smaller foot I would recommend the 30's...great performer bar none. durability is another issue and thats were the 8090 shines....I've seen the skate after a year old of use and you talk to the guys about the skate and they rave about how it's holding up.

I know that a 8090 D is a 2E Vapor

and a 2E 8090 would be like a 3E Vapor

.......As far as CCM and RBK personally a 2E 8090 is wider than a E CCM or RBK

I took the insoles out of a E pro tack and the 2E 8090 layed one over the other and the 8090 stock insole was larger all around except for the heel...were about the same. I would have to say that the D 8090 would be about the same. But this is very confusing because alot of people don't understand that the 8090 is wider than the listed width because it is a classic fit. NBH explained it to me like this when they build the 8090 it is built in a larger sole template(lath) then the Vapor. but still a D is a D a a E is a E but you will notice with the 8090 the outsole comes off wider from the base (sole) thus making it wider. I think the term is lath.

..I would just like to add that I don't want people to think I am acting as an expert.I have been through alot the last couple of months and have had the oppurtunity to speak with alot of "experts" in the field. from Doctor, skate builders to Skate tech's, Paul boyer and a NBH Skate designer..to name a few. I just try to relay the information that I have heard and found to be correct. I would highly recomend that if you are having any skate issues to first see a foot doctor.They will let you know if you have any condition that will prevent you from comfortably wearing a hockey skate.They can fix your problem,make custom orthotics or whatever is needed to to correct the problem. I learned that if you skate with these problems long enough that you could cause more serious issues that could even lead to having to stop skating. Even though my problem is very basic and easy to correct there are skating problems that over time would require surgery. so please don't take my posts as a how to guide. Just wanted to share my problem beause maybe one of you guys would'nt have to go through all this.

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No baking for me. The first couple weeks there was a little bit of pressure on the sides of my feet whenever I was sitting on the bench (didn't notice it while skating.) Now that is gone too. Wonderful skate. I'm actually thinking of picking up a closeout pair and hanging onto them for when these finally wear out.

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i have tried searching, but if there is already a topic about this, im sorry.

Im getting new Bauer 80-90 skates, and cant wait for them to come in the mail. i have a few questions

Should i heat mold them?

if not maybe a few tips for breakign them in quickly.

thanks lots

For more info, try searching 8090 (without the dash).

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I heated my 8090's twice, If they fit a bit on the big side try putting a pair of Shock Doctor foot beds in them . It makes a huge difference in fit.

They are truely an awesome skate though, you will love them.

I hope they have LS2 holders and steel, if not you may have holder and Steel problems.

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..I would just like to add that I don't want people to think I am acting as an expert.I have been through alot the last couple of months and have had the oppurtunity to speak with alot of "experts" in the field. from Doctor, skate builders to Skate tech's, Paul boyer and a NBH Skate designer..to name a few.

I love the fact that you leave me off your list but was the ONLY one who actually truly figured out your problem. Told you you needed 8090 with orthotics. :rolleyes:

This is why I hope come Friday I am done with this.

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..I would just like to add that I don't want people to think I am acting as an expert.I have been through alot the last couple of months and have had the oppurtunity to speak with alot of "experts" in the field. from Doctor, skate builders to Skate tech's, Paul boyer and a NBH Skate designer..to name a few.

I love the fact that you leave me off your list but was the ONLY one who actually truly figured out your problem. Told you you needed 8090 with orthotics. :rolleyes:

How many times have I mentioned your name on this web site, and praised your work. Every body knows you got the ball rolling and have fixed my problems for me.

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I didn't get the ball rolling - I SOLVED IT. I just find it interesting that you deviated from my original plan and ended up right back to what I told ya. Sorry you had to find out the hard way.

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My 8090's were PERFECT right out of the box, if your skate fits you properly, then you shouldn't have to heat mold them.

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i know that this has been discussed before but i cant find it! Will the one90's fit like the 8090? if not what will be the size change?

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Yes. I skated 10.5 8090 and 10.5 ONE90.

jR, How was the One90 , was it a decent skate ? How was the weight ? The Nike skates tended to be much heavier than bauer in past ?

Worth the money ?

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