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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Deep fitting shinguards

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My legs are pretty thick and I'd like to find some deep fitting shinguards. I'm currently using Bauer 6000's and they're not quite deep enough. Any suggestions?

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I have similar problems and I have some older 852 shins that have fit better than anything else I've tried. I'm actually in the market for some new ones too.

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I have found the top end Easton shin pads fit deeper than the Jofa or Bauer shins. They tend to almost wrap around your leg. I'm talking the Snergy 900's or 700's a.k.a. Z-Airs or Air in last years models. People keep saying that they don't give you the protection that Jofa or Nike/ Bauer shins do but I've had no problems with mine in that respect. They've stopped anything shot at them so far so protection isn't even an issue. I find the fit is fantastic, that they tend to hug your legs and are a slimmer profile shin pad. Easton uses a slightly different concept for protection than the other major brands using a barrier air gap pocket and plastic sling in the front of their shin pads to absorb the energy shock from a shot. Then they cradle your leg in a high density inner liner with a knee pad and Gen !V Air bladder at the bottom of the shin pad to give you a little more of an energy absorption shield. It seems to work well for me to date and as I said I love the way they fit. It's almost like their part of you leg. ;)

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