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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton synergy 1300c?

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they are $300 at hockeymonkey and seem like a good deal.  are they the 1 piece composite skates and why are the so cheap? because they are 05 models?

Thats 200 dollars off what they were 1 month ago.And the skate either fits you or it dose'nt. you can't bake them, the new 1500 my understanding you will be able to bake.

JR told me that.....skate either fits you or it dose'nt.

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Yes, the 1300c are being replaced by the 1500c which can be baked. If the skate fit they are great. But like Hurricane said, if they don't fit they will be a horrible experience. At $200 off, I might have to look into getting a pair.

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I was looking into these. But have been really hesitant because like the above post, they either fit or don't. And seems if they don't, they can cause serious pain in the form of bleeding ankles and $hit.

My Easton Comp SEs fit me really well. Anyone know if the 1300s are fitting like older models?

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I was looking into these. But have been really hesitant because like the above post, they either fit or don't. And seems if they don't, they can cause serious pain in the form of bleeding ankles and $hit.

My Easton Comp SEs fit me really well. Anyone know if the 1300s are fitting like older models?

I liked them at JR's store they were wide and somewhat deep. Would say your old comps are not as stiff.

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Hmm interesting. I guess I won't reall know until I try a pair on.

It's a toss up between those and 8090s. Whatever fits my alien better.

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Hmm interesting. I guess I won't reall know until I try a pair on.

It's a toss up between those and 8090s. Whatever fits my alien better.

The 8090 I would say are the most comfortable...plus you can modify if need be.

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I have the 1300C's and they are amazing. I guess I'm one of those guys it fits well because their the lightest most responsive skates I've ever had. Like them better than Tacks. I talked to a lot of guys who tried them and dispised them. I toke these over a pair of Graf G-5's and I have no regrets. Sometimes you gamble and win, other times you don't.

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I saw the 1500C and its the same as the 1300C but like people said they can be heat molded.

Does anyone know how the sizing runs ? If I am a size 6.5 D in Bauers what size would I be in the Synergy 1300 C ?

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I saw the 1500C and its the same as the 1300C but like people said they can be heat molded.

Does anyone know how the sizing runs ? If I am a size 6.5 D in Bauers what size would I be in the Synergy 1300 C ?

Didn't you own and ditch a pair of synergy's because they didn't fit you?

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i had the first generation synergys (when they were just called synergies.) and loved them, wish i never would have sold them. they seriously felt like i put running shoes on,what i mean by that is they were snugg and felt like i didnt even have skates on

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How's the fitting though. Same shape?

The toe cap seems to be wider on the Synergy's then other Easton skates.

The wide toe is great, i hate it when my little toe pushs against the side, great part of the skates.

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I saw the 1500C and its the same as the 1300C but like people said they can be heat molded.

Does anyone know how the sizing runs ? If I am a size 6.5 D in Bauers what size would I be in the Synergy 1300 C ?

Your should be a size 7R In the synergys

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My Synergies were very painful for me. They felt amazing in the shop so I bought a pair, but on the ice it was a different story. My feet hurt so bad that after skating for 5-10 minutes I would literally be limping over to the bench to put my feet up and give them a rest. After an hour of 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off, my feet would be in so much pain that I would have trouble walking even after I took the skates off! On top of the cripling foot pain, they tore up my ankles too.

I'm rocking in some 8090's now and loving them. Most comfortable skates I have ever owned.

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i skated in them for the first time tonite. absolutley love them. very comfartable and no pain what so ever. get them. they newer ones(most recently ordered for a while back) come with LS2 holders and runners.

get them

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I can't diss you guys with the 8090's because they are excellent skates, much better in my opinion than the Vapor line. Unfortunately Bauer lost my interest long ago because of their narrower fit and lack of comfort. The Bauers today have improved emensely as far as comfort however they are still too narrow a fit so their not for me. It's all a personal preference issue. I don't like Grafs either but still love CCM. They just feel right. ;)

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