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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton synergy 1300c?

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The 8090s are nice, but I prefer the Synergy. I tried the 8090s and the toe box just wasn't wide enough. The Synergys had a much wider toe box. Like any skate if it doesn't fit your foot then it will be painful. I've heard of the problems that people had with Synergy skates, but I never had any problems. I think that the new 1500s will solve a lot of the problems that the 1300s had.

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Not many sizes left though.

In fact, when I was looking for one in a wide (tried on a regular at a store that was on sale but the arch area was too narrow) but Perani's had already returned their ENTIRE stock in anticipation of the 1500. The 1300 is likely to be on sale all over the place not too far off into the future.

I did find the toe box on the 1300 to be shorter and far roomier than most skates.

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They are certainly an improvement over the Airs and Z-Airs as far as room in the toe box is concerned. I don't think I tried as roomy a boot from Easton as the 1300's.

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What about Synergies 300, 500, 700? I got a pair of 500s and they really really fit me well. Does that mean 1300s will probly fit me too? And what do you guys think of cheaper Synergies like 300, 500 or even Canadian Tire ones called Synergy Ultra?

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The 8090s are nice, but I prefer the Synergy. I tried the 8090s and the toe box just wasn't wide enough. The Synergys had a much wider toe box.

Were the 8090s EE and the Synergys W? Does anyone know how wide it is compared to the Nike V series or 8090?

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