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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bolts for mission pitch blades

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I have looked all over the net for replacement bolts for the pitch holders but I cant find them. The problem is I started to strip them when I tightened them with a screw driver. I am also trying to get my hands on the proper wrench for the bolts any help would be great. Thanks

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It's just a Robertson screwdriver. I believe the size is #2, but I'm sure if you took your skates to a hardware store they'd be able to find you the right size.

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I have e-mailed mission but I haven't heard back from them. If there is a website out there that sells them can you please let me know. THANKS

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I have e-mailed mission but I haven't heard back from them. If there is a website out there that sells them can you please let me know. THANKS

Any Mission dealer should have replacement bolts.

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