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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Advises for choosing skates

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First of all, sorry for my poor english.

I need some advise in choosing a new skate between 8090 and S500

I have low arch and now I have CCM Tacks 652 5.5D. It fits me not perfect but good. It makes my arch ache when the lace is as tight as I want. So I have to make the lace a little bit loose.

After a year and half I found there are many cracks in the outsole, then I decide to buy a new pair, Bauer 8090 or Mission S500

I can get Bauer 8090 Jr at 159.99 and 199.99 for S500 Jr.

Which one will you choose between them? Why?

Thanks a lot. :D

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what dont you like about your 652's?

do you like skates with a more flexible boot?

Do you like really stiff boots?

these are somethings you could note in your first post to help us help you.

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Thanks for reply.

I play left wing in my team, and I want more agility.

Is that means S500 is better for me?

S500 JR only comes in E. Is it narrower than my 652 5.5D?

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Personally I would go with the 8090, but that is just my oppinion..

DITO Can't go wrong with bauers best skate of 05'and it will last a few+ years.Thats what I am hearing.

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I've owned both of them...the EE would be equivalent to an 8090 D

Listen to JR. The two are very different skates, not just in fit, but in design theory.

The 8090 is a very lite skate, but VERY, VERY stiff. VERY STIFF. It's a high cut boot too. The 8090 from a "foot print" stand point is similar to that of a CCM.

The S500 (which I have owned and skated in) is typically a narrow skate with a small toe box and high arch. The EE in a S500 is the same, dimension/foot print wise, as a D in an 8090 d or CCM Tack d-width. AND? That's as wide as it comes. If you have a wide foot, you will NOT like a Mission skate.

I found the arch in the S500 to be too high (painfully so, in fact). So, you said low arch? Don't think this will be the skate for you.

I have only tried the 8090 on in stores, so can't coment on it's arch.

Furthermore, the S500 is a "supple fit". Meaning that the lower part of the skate (forefoot, or what not) is stiff while the ankle and higher is a bit more flexible. Personally? I liked it. However, the 8090 is stiff from to to calf. The S500 is stiff from toe to below the ankle with ankle and higher being more flexible (theoretically - I'm just simplifying this). And? The lower foot area of the S500 is still not as stiff as that of the 8090. Seriously, the 8090 is one of the stiffest skates available. Only ones stiffer that I can think of are your KORS or Easton Synnergy 1300c's which are all carbon fiber.

SO, in some, they are completely, and dramatically different skates. Both in design and fit.

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Do u find your feet pop out from the tacks?

I think it is the shallow boot cause your pain instead of the arch in the boot.

Anyway, if you have a rather deep thick foot, go for 8090.

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also the 8090 isnt in Jr and since your in a 5.5 ccm youd be the same size in the 8090. id say go with the mission cause when i tried a pair on they held my heel really nice almost like my grafs.

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im in my house with my 8090s on attempting to break them in. they are very comfortable, and i look forward to using them at stick and puck.

i did have ultra lite pros SBX i think 03 model, and the 8090s are verycomfartable.

i dont kno how the S500 fit, but i recommend the 8090s

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also the 8090 isnt in Jr and since your in a 5.5 ccm youd be the same size in the 8090. id say go with the mission cause when i tried a pair on they held my heel really nice almost like my grafs.

As JR has already told people in the past, a good heel hold is indicitive of a proper-fitted skate, not by brand...

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