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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good store in Michigan?

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Yep....and strip clubs and legal escort services and Keith's and Cuban cigars and MissConduct and Netminder32:)

Don't forget me JR lol. I'm a Windsorite.

I will agree with what you said about the Brian's guy. I normally get my sticks there because they are the cheapest for ST Grips in Windsor. However, the guy that does the "custom" stuff, is horrible. He does bad jobs on skates, and is to preachy for sales. He kept pushing me to try a 65 flex int. ST...I'm 6'1'' 216lbs. "It'll give you a harder shot, because you'll flex it more." I'll also snap it more. If it wasn't for that fact that my 100 flex ST GriP Lidtsrom's were $25 cheaper than everywhere else, I'd tell that guy to shove it.

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they also have a location in taylor. some where around the airport.

JR is right the livonia store is bigger.

The Taylor location is right off the Eureka Rd exit, about a mile west of I-75

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IMHO stay away from Peranis.

Every time I've tried to get fitted for skates they either size me wrong or insist I should be in the top of the line most expensive skate they can sell me.

I will not knock the service, they are always really nice to me...well minus the one girl in Livonia that gets offended easily when I ask for RBK shinguards...but I digress.

Point is.....

Spend the extra time and visit a reputable shop like JR's. Service is unbeatable, I've never seen a better sharpening job on my skates, and he REALLY knows his stuff. He will tell you everything you need to know and more about the skates your getting.

You will be much happier in the end.

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yeah id say go see Jr before anybody else, knowledgeable guy honest havent seen his sharpening but i can believe that he is consistent in his sharpening, but if you were to come to toronto you can see me cause im all lonely up in toronto :(

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Your closest bet would be the Taylor Perani's, they will have everything you want to see. I'm not a huge fan of Perani's service, never have been, but they usualy have whatever I'm looking for.

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