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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good store in Michigan?

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Im looking for a shop in the southern Michigan area() to get some new skates. Coming from a 5.5 XX Im looking at anything from Graf to Bauer in a 6- 6.5. I was really disappointed in my LHS's selection, which didnt have more than 3-4 top-end models, and no XXXs in a 6 or 6.5, so Im willing to make the 2-3 hour trip to Michigan. What would be a store in the area that would have all the top-end skates stocked in most sizes? Im thinking the big Perani's in Flint (not sure if thats the right city) would have what Im looking for...?

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I am in Rochester. Basically 70 mi from the MI/OH border.

Closer than Flint.

Let me know what you are looking for. I don't sell Graf. Let me know what sizes you are looking at so that I can plan accordingly. Looking for XXXs?

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Possibly. Really Im not to sure. I tried the 1300c and they killed the arch in my left foot, it seems to be alittle higher than the right.(Both are fairly high) Because the availabilty at my LHS was so slim I jumped from size to size alot with no luck. Im thinking XXXs, Flexlite, 8090, S500, and I might try the 9k again if I can get proper sizing. Im looking at coming up very soon...as in tomorrow, which could definatly be a problem. Does your store normally carry a pretty large skate inventory?

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Um, okay, am I supposed to kiss his ass now?

I've sharpened at the NHL level. And I sharpen better than some NHL eq mgrs.

So...your point is really...what's the word I'm looking for?

Oh, yeah...pointless.

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