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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXX Gloves

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dude i bought a pair three weeks ago and there is holes in the palms.

I got my LHS to sew some fabric into the palm and its holding up good.

so if you go for them be sure to put something in the palm as it is made for pros therefore lite.

beauty glove BTW besides the palms

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If you go with the xxxs man don't forgett to get the extra palms with them. Because some kid on my team got them and forgott to ask about the extra palms, and he has already worn holes through them and our lhs cant do anything about it. So just a heads up because alot of shops take the extra palms off.

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your still going to want to add something to the palms unless your into the whole holey palm thing.

ill get some pics up of what mine look like with the extra fabric.

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I wonder if Bauer is going to switch to nash palms like the pro stocks have for the '06 XXX because of all the problems with the current palm.....that would be nice.

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Like I stated in my other posts...

I have had my XXXs since the early release period (before the majority of shops got them). I am still on the original palms without any problems at all.

The gloves are great. They aren't the tighest gloves but they aren't the loosest either. They probably have the best balance of any retail glove out there. Get them and you won't be disappointed.

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Like I stated in my other posts...

I have had my XXXs since the early release period (before the majority of shops got them). I am still on the original palms without any problems at all.

The gloves are great. They aren't the tighest gloves but they aren't the loosest either. They probably have the best balance of any retail glove out there. Get them and you won't be disappointed.

Exact same here, I got mine in December of last year and my buttend hand is just starting to go, it's got a pretty good sized hole in er, but my left glove is money

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it really depends on how you grip the stick. my friend has a pair of sherwood gloves that barely lasted the season while my other friend has been wearing the same pair for years.

I find that tennis overgrips do a good job of preserving palms.

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Yup, some more Nike/Bauer quality issues. Thin palms on the XXX's. So what else is new. Nike, just don't do it!

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Umm, no. The palms are "high" end and are very thin so that you get a "natural" feel. Just like anyhting else high performance, the durability is not any good. They are great gloves, just make sure to take care of the palms.

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Well I purchased the gloves!!!! they feel great after 2 games....I understand why they are shipping xtra palms....To take care of them just dry them out after every use...I have a fan blowing on them to dry them out is that enough??

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