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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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haha, my nicknames Yardsale, the only reason why is because i seem to loose my stick alot haha

thers a kid on my team who has absolute Stone hands so his nick name is Gary Vaulk haha.

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Forgot the obvious "Quintin".

My real name's Chris but that name originated from GTA: Vice City. During introductions, I told my team that I hated my name (Chris Tung (pronounced 'tongue')), same with Lance Vance, so they suggested to call me 'Quintin', like Quintin Vance.


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My last name's Fletcher.....so "Fletch" is the obvious choice. I've also been called "Irwin" before because Chevy Chase's name in the films is "Irwin Fletcher." But "Fletch" has always been the mainstay.



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I played on a team where everyone called me Guy Lafleur. No paticular reason, just because I am a big Habs fan and was the only one on the team.

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