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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Pure Skates

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I' m checking out some new skates to supplement my Externos. I like the look of the Mission Pure L4s. Where are they made? How would the fit for those compare to my Externos? Thanks.

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Damn. I was afraid of that. So how high up in the CCM Vector line do you have to go to get a skate made in North America? Vector 6.0 or higher?

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China is ahead in many areas of manufacturing infrastructure and processes. That "Made in China" = crap mentality is now dated.

Graf Canada is a perfect illustration of this, but this case probably has more to do with quality control.

Also, I love TPS sticks, but some of the finish on the ones Made in Canada are less than desirable than the ones made in China or Mexico, IMO.

I've never had any problems with my Mission boots--all Made in China.

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My preference for skates made in North America, isn't because of quality issues, just a PP because of concerns over work conditions, slack environmental regulations and the fact that China is still a non-democratic communist country. So I guess its put my money where my mouth is and buy some top end CCMs or Grafs.

I hate to spend that much on skates, I'll have to think about that.

In case my wallet outweighs my principles, can anyone answer my 2nd question? Is the fit of the Mission Pure skate similar to the CCM Externo?

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Are you Externo's top of the line? If they are not the Top externo model, they were made in the same factory as ours....Check the tag...Does it say Made in Canada or Designed in Canada?

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I had a pair of Mission Pure Fly however I sold them for a few reasons after 10 games: (bought RBK 8K instead)

Quality: After 4 games only, the 4 front rivets of the left boot started to loose. After one game, my socks were all blue and yellow (bleeding of the inside material)

Confort: Not as good as the 8K. (personnal preference) The 8K as more padding

Stiffness: Not as stiff as the 8K and 7K.

Protection: The Toe is less strong than the one on the 8K.

Weight: The 8K is lighter

They are made in Canada, like the Vector Pro. CCM do not make the Externo anymore. Bauer also make the Vapor XXX in Canada.

When it is possible, I always choose ''Made in Canada'' product over ''Made in China'', I have the same concerns as you have: ''because of concerns over work conditions, slack environmental regulations and the fact that China is still a non-democratic communist country''.

Like Justin said: Check the tag and look for the ''Made in Canada'' instead of desing in Canada...made in China.


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Are you Externo's top of the line? If they are not the Top externo model, they were made in the same factory as ours....Check the tag...Does it say Made in Canada or Designed in Canada?

Justin, no, my externos are not top of the line and no they are not made in Canada. I was told they were, but I was mislead obviously. I'm not ripping on companies for moving production over there, I understand the economics. But when I can avoid it and afford to I will avoid purchasing products made in China because of the reasons I outlined above.

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Sorry you were mislead....I was trying to stir conflict, I just want people to make sure they understand where stuff is made...Their is a lot of Designed in Canada labeling...We do it...Everyone does...

As for work conditions in China, they are a lot better than you would think...Are they what we are used to? No. However, they are better than what the other options are.

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Snoop, what year are you Missions? I've heard a number of comments about the flys, but I thought the newest Missions looked like a quality skate.

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Are you Externo's top of the line?  If they are not the Top externo model, they were made in the same factory as ours....Check the tag...Does it say Made in Canada or Designed in Canada?

Justin, no, my externos are not top of the line and no they are not made in Canada. I was told they were, but I was mislead obviously. I'm not ripping on companies for moving production over there, I understand the economics. But when I can avoid it and afford to I will avoid purchasing products made in China because of the reasons I outlined above.

Good man. I try to do the same thing. North america, Hell canada is the birth place of hockey. :D

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Okay so you bought one skate made in Canada (XXX), one made in Thailand (8090) and one made in China (KOR)...

I had no choice!! You No that. this has been hell so I had to put my americam pride aside.

---Nothing wrong with Made in canada.

---And the Kors I did'nt Know.

---8090 I knew and did'nt like it

And did you get my PM. :D

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Remember, just because you buy a skate that was made in China, doesn't mean your not supporting an American or Canadian Company...In fact you are supporting all the customer service, R&D, Sales, Finance, Marketing, and Operations people that are based in Canada or the US....

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The 2006 Kors will be manufactured in Mexico.

Thats better :lol: <_<

It's their own factory, not a third party. It's the Quality Control that is the most important thing to me.

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Remember, just because you buy a skate that was made in China, doesn't mean your not supporting an American or Canadian Company...In fact you are supporting all the customer service, R&D, Sales, Finance, Marketing, and Operations people that are based in Canada or the US....

I know my hole family is in the automotive industry..Things are changing. Its all good. Hell, Make them in Iraq as long as it is a good product.

Oh, and mexico is north america.....All good :ph34r:

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Remember, just because you buy a skate that was made in China, doesn't mean your not supporting an American or Canadian Company...In fact you are supporting all the customer service, R&D, Sales, Finance, Marketing, and Operations people that are based in Canada or the US....

I just wanted to say I think it is really cool that you are on this sight helping people.

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Sorry Snoop...I deleted your post...

Neal - his skates are the 2003 model.

where was that delete button when we spent 3 days talking about the weight of rivits :o No he did'nt. :lol:

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