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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TFG Shaft

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TFG- Tri-flex gold....

Found the cheap vapor X shaft...Forget that now...Does anyone know where I can find a TFG int. now?

I LOVE the X shaft because of the wheelbarrow handle...thats why I wouldnt get a bubble

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TFG- Tri-flex gold....

Found the cheap vapor X shaft...Forget that now...Does anyone know where I can find a TFG int. now?

I LOVE the X shaft because of the wheelbarrow handle...thats why I wouldnt get a bubble

shaft no

as for ops we have TFG Ints in Heatley and Lindros.

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did u by chance fins the cheap shaft at hockey1.com

i don't think it's there anymore

but i think our tfg ops are like $80 cdn but your looking for a shop in the states i guess

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Off-topic but Jbyun do you work at The Sports Exchange in BC? If so, why are they so damned bad at answering email, when they say to ask for help that way.

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Off-topic but Jbyun do you work at The Sports Exchange in BC? If so, why are they so damned bad at answering email, when they say to ask for help that way.

he works at the hockeyshop.

btw if you like the wheelbarrow handle, see if you can get a Nike Apollo shaft.

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