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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Olympic Stealths

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Seems as there will be Olympics Stealths as well, just found this little clip of Forsberg carrying yellow Stealths with the new graphics, so I assume they must be Olympic Edition Stealths. Later on in the clip (towards the middle and end actually) there's some other guy carrying the sticks and you can get a decent closeup of them for a few seconds.


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In todays Toronto Sun , there is a pic of Joe Sakic with a stealth, the graphics are black and red but they are not the regular graphics. It seems to be cherry red with a black stripe in the middle ??

The pic was not that good sorry

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In todays Toronto Sun , there is a pic of Joe Sakic with a stealth, the graphics are black and red but they are not the regular graphics. It seems to be cherry red with a black stripe in the middle ??

The pic was not that good sorry

06 Stealth Grip,its in the 06 Easton catalog.

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In todays Toronto Sun , there is a pic of Joe Sakic with a stealth, the graphics  are black and red but they are not the regular graphics. It seems to be cherry red with a black stripe in the middle ??

The pic was not that good sorry

06 Stealth Grip,its in the 06 Easton catalog.

It looked different , If they are making different colours for other nations you would think they would make a special one for Canada seeing most other stick makers are doing it ?

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In todays Toronto Sun , there is a pic of Joe Sakic with a stealth, the graphics  are black and red but they are not the regular graphics. It seems to be cherry red with a black stripe in the middle ??

The pic was not that good sorry

06 Stealth Grip,its in the 06 Easton catalog.

the pic of joe sakic is with the new team canada stealth

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it is Pronger but i think it may just be a starskie cause there was a czech warrior stick in another thread but it said Czech on it n the one PRonger has doesn't so i doubt its olympic edition

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it is Pronger but i think it may just be a starskie cause there was a czech warrior stick in another thread but it said Czech on it n the one PRonger has doesn't so i doubt its olympic edition

Of course pronger's stick doesnt say czech, it says Canada! :P

looks like a Canada edition warrior to me, i think theres another thread on these sticks.

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i didnt mean it said czech on his stick there was a nother pic of a czech player with czech on his warrior makin a comparison it same paint as a starskie which i think it is but it does have canada on it but there is no diff b/t the two really

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i didnt mean it said czech on his stick there was a nother pic of a czech player with czech on his warrior makin a comparison it same paint as a starskie which i think it is but it does have canada on it but there is no diff b/t the two really

yeah was just joking about it saying czech.

yeah it was said in another post that it could be something to do with the advertising rules. If it says warrior then they have to pay advertising rights, but if it says 'Canada' or 'Czech' or whatever in the same font, then everyone know what stick people are using but they dont have to pay the same advertising rights.

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