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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inno novius

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Nope. The Novius' that I have are 48" standard and 51" tapered (without plugs). Those are senior, not sure about int or jr lengths

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They should be normal length, unless you go one from the batch we had at our store where a few senior shafts were cut to junior lenght from the factory.

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yeah.. it should be normal length. speaking of the novius, after almost 5 years of heavy use, mine finally broke in half -- i thought it would never break. It wasn't from a shot or anything.. someone left the bench door open and my stick got stuck and i got pushed from behind. well at least I get an excuse to try out the dolomite

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I have 2 standard Novius Soft grips (flex 260) in my basement, and they were both 50' or 51'

Cut both shafts to 49' and can't recall if I cut 1 or 2 inches but definantly 1.

Kinda silly now that I play with 51' Bauer XX shafts, but anyway, I strongly doubt standard novius is 48'.... :blink:

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