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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Store

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So on 12/14 my GF ordered me a Lightning Practice jersey from the RBK store..........and it is still on backorder with no estimated ship date and customer service says they have no idea when it will ship. Anyone else have a similar problem with RBK store (or Reebok in general)?

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cancel the order, you'll be able to get the closout current style pretty soon once the new styles are announced.

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I had a Kings one on order from NHL.com for about a month before Christmas. I then found out they were backordered, and it looks like they all still are. I ended up cancelling my order because I found it at Staples Center. Try going to a game, and see if they're there.

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I just ordered some reebok stuff from greatskate and this is the email i got - sounds like i have a little bit of a wait ahead of me...

i'm patient though


Thank you for your online order. The Reebok apparel is on backorder. Expected arrival date is 06/15/06. We have put them on backorder for you. We will ship the backorder as soon as it becomes available.

We apologize for the delay. If we can be of further assistance please call or e-mail.

Great Skate Customer Service

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What did you order?

I probably wont be going to any bolts games till the playoffs. I gave up my season tix (11th row end pair) when I moved away from Tampa. Last season I waited till conf. finals to go, then hit 5&7 in the Cup finals. It was a good year. =)

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it was a reebok hockey performance mock - it was like a long sleeve shirt of some sort - i wish they would say it was out of stock BEFORE i ordered

I have the performance mock that I got from my rep, Its pretty nice, its more of a cold weather thing. Its thicker than any other undershirt I have ever seen. My only complaint is the damn neck, lol! Im thinking of cutting it off.

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What did you order?

I probably wont be going to any bolts games till the playoffs. I gave up my season tix (11th row end pair) when I moved away from Tampa. Last season I waited till conf. finals to go, then hit 5&7 in the Cup finals. It was a good year. =)

If you really want one then PM me and I can see about picking one up at the St. Pete Times Forum or The Ice Sports Forum in Brandon (Lightning practice facility).

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it was a reebok hockey performance mock - it was like a long sleeve shirt of some sort - i wish they would say it was out of stock BEFORE i ordered

I have the performance mock that I got from my rep, Its pretty nice, its more of a cold weather thing. Its thicker than any other undershirt I have ever seen. My only complaint is the damn neck, lol! Im thinking of cutting it off.

I have a performance hoodie. So frickin sweet...

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cancel the order, you'll be able to get the closout current style pretty soon once the new styles are announced.

If the GMs even ok'd these new jerseys...

I can live with the Swift Current style, but the new RBK have me really, really concerned.

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Ok, guys.. color me confused. Are we saying that Rbk is changing the practice jerseys or the game jerseys for next year? Where is this info coming from since they just changed the practice jerseys this year. I just got my Platinum Performance practice jersey delivered this past Wednesday and I must say it is FRIGGIN SWEET! Much better than I ever thought it would be. I like the new material, the vented arms are great and the details like the reflective piping and overall design is well done. Can you clue me in as to what is happening next year? Is the jersey I just shelled out $100 for (lettered and numbered) going to be going for $40 in a few months?



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