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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Did my LHS screw up this chassis mounting?

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My fiance plays goalie in roller hockey so we bought an ice hockey boot and had them cut off the ice holder and put on a roller hockey chassis. The only problem is, I noticed today that on one of the skates at the front of the chassis they used a screw instead of a rivet. The screw isn't even flush with the chassis like the rest of the rivets. It goes it at an angle and I can easily see this breaking the screw with a shot or stick to the skate.

Is it ok to leave the skate like this? Should I return it to the shop and ask for them to fix it or refund me? Just looking at it I'd assume they screwed up. But maybe this is an acceptable practice. Here's a picture:


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If the chassis is tight to the boot then its fine. The only reason I can think of them using a Graf screw like that is because they couldnt get the rivet to lock down there. Sometimes the angles of the skates are a real bitch to get at with the press. A Graf screw can be alot easier for the shop to do, the only issue is that it will need to be tightened up every once in a while.

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If the chassis is tight to the boot then its fine. The only reason I can think of them using a Graf screw like that is because they couldnt get the rivet to lock down there. Sometimes the angles of the skates are a real bitch to get at with the press. A Graf screw can be alot easier for the shop to do, the only issue is that it will need to be tightened up every once in a while.

The boot is a size 2.5 and that plastic guard around the boot is made for a size 5 or something skate. My guess is that when they tried to put the rivet in they missed the boot completely. They then used a screw and set it in at an angle in order to make contact with the boot.

Not 100% sure about that... but that's my best guess.

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Anytime you F with the original design of a skate, and I mean have mounted any holder the skate was not designed for, you risk having these kind of issues. Ice skates were not meant to have roller chassis. So, your shop likely did their best to match your wishes. It was probably a tough job, but they did it. I can't tell you how many of these I've done that have taken 2 hrs of labor, what for $1 a rivit. Sometimes just lining them up takes a lot of thought and adjustments. If the holder is tight on the skate, be thankful, not bitch about an angled screw. Remember, a roller chassis was not meant to be mounted on those skates.

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Anytime you F with the original design of a skate, and I mean have mounted any holder the skate was not designed for, you risk having these kind of issues. Ice skates were not meant to have roller chassis. So, your shop likely did their best to match your wishes. It was probably a tough job, but they did it. I can't tell you how many of these I've done that have taken 2 hrs of labor, what for $1 a rivit. Sometimes just lining them up takes a lot of thought and adjustments. If the holder is tight on the skate, be thankful, not bitch about an angled screw. Remember, a roller chassis was not meant to be mounted on those skates.

Yea... they said a couple of times how much of a pain it was to do. But when I also asked them if it was possible they said without hesitating "Oh yea, no problem."

I'm not bitching or complaining... just making sure it's ok to leave it with the screw.

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I use bolts and screws on to hold the chassis to boot on my all of my rollerblades; it doesn't harm performance in anyway.

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