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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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In need of a new stick

What stick is going to have the best performance but also have great durability?  

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After having very bad luck with Easton, I am looking for a new stick. I was leaning towards a tapered shaft blade combo, but would also consider an OPS.

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No my 1100 fused was just a inno blade glued into the 1100 tapered shaft. They make it look like a one-piece, I suspect they painted it after they glued the blade into the shaft.

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after being in the same boat as forsberg91, i went with an inno 1100 tapered shaft. best shaft i have ever used. very durable. take a long look at inno/warrior

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Most of them that I've seen aren't even painted over. It's just the shaft and their blade put together so you don't have to. Usually it's fused too so you can't take out the blade when you break it, so it's a bad idea to get the fused. Get the tapered shaft with tapered blade because it's the same thing, and you can replace either when it breaks, you won't have to replace the full stick.

That is, if you decide on the 1100... I recomend either TPS you have listed. I'd go the the R2Xn10 for the reasons above. I don't like OPS. Why doesn't TPS make an Adrenaline shaft?

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If I were to get the 1100 tapered shaft, does anyone know where to get an intermediate one? I've been looking on the internet and can't find any. None of the shops around me have them either.

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Most of them that I've seen aren't even painted over.  It's just the shaft and their blade put together so you don't have to.  Usually it's fused too so you can't take out the blade when you break it, so it's a bad idea to get the fused.  Get the tapered shaft with tapered blade because it's the same thing, and you can replace either when it  breaks, you won't have to replace the full stick.

That is, if you decide on the 1100... I recomend either TPS you have listed.  I'd go the the R2Xn10 for the reasons above.  I don't like OPS.  Why doesn't TPS make an Adrenaline shaft?

If you break the Adrenaline blade, it can be removed in the same way as the XN10 blades can. Heat.

Edit: And for '06 there will be an Adrenaline shaft, check the catalogue.

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Ok I have another question, which should be an easy one, but I am unsure.

This is my first time trying something other than Easton for a while soooo, What blade does an Intermediate R2 XN10 shaft take, senior or intermediate. Sounds obvious but TPS doesn't make intermediate tapered blades so I wasn't sure. Sorry for all of the questions. I am not sure if I'll go for a Senior Whip or just intermediate, but the blade options will sway my choice.

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Ok I have another question, which should be an easy one, but I am unsure.

This is my first time trying something other than Easton for a while soooo, What blade does an Intermediate R2 XN10 shaft take, senior or intermediate. Sounds obvious but TPS doesn't make intermediate tapered blades so I wasn't sure. Sorry for all of the questions. I am not sure if I'll go for a Senior Whip or just intermediate, but the blade options will sway my choice.

A int. TPS tapered shaft takes senior blades

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Senior blades...

And to Project - There's no Adrenaline shaft, only the R2 Armor.

Yup, you're right. Thought I saw one back when I first looked at it.

But yeah, you can still remove the blade and pop in a new one.

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Oh nice. Thanks alot guys. I think that I am going to go with the TPS R2 XN10. My dad would rather me get a 2-piecer because he hates seeing me have to chop down a one piecer, buy a $50+ blade and not liking it afterward.

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Oh nice. Thanks alot guys. I think that I am going to go with the TPS R2 XN10. My dad would rather me get a 2-piecer because he hates seeing me have to chop down a one piecer, buy a $50+ blade and not liking it afterward.

Yeah, I'm kind of sick of that process too. I recently found out that the lie on a modo is too low, so it makes using my new $200 XXX-Lite occasionally a headache...

Next stick purchase for me will be either a Z-Bubble and a load of Sher-Wood SOP blades custom made, or a Tapered shaft, probably TPS, with custom woodies if I can find a shop that makes them. Christian maybe?

Edit: Well, before I go into custom made woodies, do any of the companies make a pattern that matches a Bauer P91 in terms of curve and open-ness and an Easton Sakic for lie and rocker?

I found that the P91 curve looks really nice, and I find that my Nash TPS blade wears perfectly even along the bottom.

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