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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Found Olympic team sticks

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Has anyone spotted any of these Rbk sticks (or the Olympic Rbk gloves) in the actual Olympics? I haven't seen anyone using neither the sticks nor the gloves so far.

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Probably just something for the consumers. When DS said his stuff was ordered, it was 5k sticks, and 5k gloves. I can't honestly see anyone in the NHL using a 5k stick or gloves. You tend to see 6k OPSs in the NHL and 8k gloves.

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Has anyone spotted any of these Rbk sticks (or the Olympic Rbk gloves) in the actual Olympics? I haven't seen anyone using neither the sticks nor the gloves so far.

The german women team was using the RBK 5K Germany gloves. That´s about all I have seen.

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