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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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under 100

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Alright I'm 5'11" 170 lbs. and i've used 100 flex sticks for a while now. I used to use a couple of 80 flex's but a made short life spans of those, I was gonna get some new sticks and the flex options are 87 and 102. MY question is, would an 87 flex be worth a shot? I want to get a little more whip on my stick and I think the 102 would be too stiff, I already have a tough time with my slappers and the ol' 100 flex. Maybe a lower flex could do the trick.

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I'm like 6'1" 180ish, I still use 85 flex or 260 flex inno's, I even use a Intermediate Vector, the increased whip makes it so much easier to get off a shot, and you dont have to put as much effort into your slappers, just let the flex do the work.

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isnt 87 just bauers options, it think an 87 bauer is 85 easton. If you are breaking these whippier sticks on shots try and take less ice with the shot. If you wanted to try you can get a reg flex on ccm or tps which i think is around 90-95 easton scale. A bit wihppier than your 100 flex

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It was an Octane. LOL Shittiest stick I've ever owned, I bought one and broke it in my 2nd game. Got a replacement, and broke the second after 2 or 3 drop-ins.

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You could always try the 87 flex, if you find it to flexy then cut it down and add a bigger but-end. The butt-end won't flex as much the shaft, so it will stiffen your stick up a bit. Just trial and error till you get in right where you like it!

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You could always try the 87 flex, if you find it to flexy then cut it down and add a bigger but-end. The butt-end won't flex as much the shaft, so it will stiffen your stick up a bit. Just trial and error till you get in right where you like it!

When you add the butt end, you'll just make the shaft whippier. If you get to long a butt end, it will snap due to stress.

If the 100 flex is too stiff, then I would look at an 85-87 flex. Maybe see if one of your friends have a stick you can try.

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You could always try the 87 flex, if you find it to flexy then cut it down and add a bigger but-end.  The butt-end won't flex as much the shaft, so it will stiffen your stick up a bit.  Just trial and error till you get in right where you like it!

When you add the butt end, you'll just make the shaft whippier.

When a shaft gets shorter, it gets stiffer, not whippier...

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You could always try the 87 flex, if you find it to flexy then cut it down and add a bigger but-end.  The butt-end won't flex as much the shaft, so it will stiffen your stick up a bit.  Just trial and error till you get in right where you like it!

When you add the butt end, you'll just make the shaft whippier.

When a shaft gets shorter, it gets stiffer, not whippier...

And putting a butt end back in it will make it longer, and whippier. It might stiffen a little due to there being a new flex point where the butt end and shaft meet, but it won't be significant.

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The shaft will be stiffer, and the butt end won't flex. It will be stiffer.

Not by a significant amount. Look at Bauer SR. sticks(no butt end) and then compare it to an Easton Sr. stick(with a butt end), yes the Bauer is stiffer, but only by a little.

To get back on subject. A 85-87 flex should work for you.

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i've always felt that the bauer 87 is closer to an easton 90, but that's just me.

I agree. My 87 flex Vapor XXX Lite feels stiffer than an Easton 85 flex, but a little bit whippier than an Easton 100 flex. On an Easton Scale, the Bauer 87 flex is probably around 90-92 flex.

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