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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade choice

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i am looking to get a blade, and i have basically narrowed it down to three choices...





Z-Carbon (focus flex)

which blade is the best out of the three in terms of thinness, passing, shooting, and durability

thatnk you in advance,


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By the way, dont bump your topic like an hour after you post it. You bump after a few days.

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I haven't used either, but I believe the X1 is an older top of the line blade where the Crossfire is a hybrid type of blade, so I'd lean towards the X1. If the X1 is the blade I am thinking of (if it's composite than it is), it has held up well for a few friends and the performance was great as well.

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You're not going to find a blade that's perfect for passing, shooting, and durability as they're mutually exclusive.

Passing = feel = wood.

Shooting = light weight plus 'snap' = composite.

Durability = heavy fiberglass = tank.

Choose your weapon!

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Durability = heavy fiberglass = tank.

interesting thought...a tank just might be crazy enough to work...

maybe i will just get both the x1 and crossfire because they are only 19 and 14 dollars respectively

thanx for the input

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Knock on wood, I have had no major issues with my Zcarbons, aside from the toes getting a chip here or there and the top of the blade towards the heel getting a crack or two. But the blades have overall held up fine for me.

I have heard nothing but good things about the X1. I personally don't like the ceramic feeling of the TPS blades. Just PP though.

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TPS's pre-prg blades (Xn10, newer R2s, PTC, newer X1s, Response Plus) have a very unique feel and sound to them that makes them feel like ceramic. If you've used one you would know what I'm talking about.

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is that a good or bad thing?

does it reduce shot velocity, or make passing or stickhandling harder?

basically does it have any negative effects

The feel is a little strange to me

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